
Publisert 6. juni 2012 10:22

I hope everyone had a good feeling after the exam! If you want to check, the solutions are on the webpage now. The results should be available next week. Have a nice, or even optimal, summer! [Final note: there was an error in the solutions (4a) for a while this morning, now corrected. Thanks to Stian for pointing this out!]

Publisert 1. juni 2012 16:42

Eksamenoppgaver vil ogs? finnes p? norsk for de som m?tte ?nske det. (Exam text in Norwegian will be available, in addition to the English version.)

Publisert 16. mai 2012 14:24

Last lecture was today! No group class May 17, but last class is May 24 (questions + work with prev.exams). GOOD LUCK with the exam!!

Publisert 11. mai 2012 19:48

IMPORTANT NOTE: The exam text will be written in English only (as the lectures have been in English). However, you may answer in Norwegian or English or some mix; it's your choice.

Publisert 9. mai 2012 14:33

Today we had the final ordinary lecture. Next week is the final "lecture": I will present solutions from exam 2011 and make some comments concerning the exam. Plus you may ask questions! So prepare for this.

Publisert 4. mai 2012 10:20

Thanks to Emil H. who found some typos etc. in "A mini-introduction to convexity"! This is now fixed; the only important change is that Example 5, (iii) p. 14 is rewritten, hopefully clearer. Finally, I corrected a minor typo + defined path length in final lecture notes.

Publisert 2. mai 2012 11:07

Some minor changes were done in the lecture notes E-lp8 and E-lp9 (just trying to improve the language a few places).

Publisert 22. mars 2012 10:10

The lecture yesterday (March 21) was a bit shorter due to Abel prize events. The topic was game theory, and the lecture notes on this have been updated with an example (matrix game, page 4).

Publisert 7. mars 2012 13:21

Next week, Wednesday March 14. there is one extra hour 09.15-10 (before the lecture) where we look at an application of LP (not a lecture, but we collaborate!), and you may ask other questions etc.

Publisert 9. feb. 2012 13:07

Next week (Febr.15) lecture as usual, but no lecture on Febr. 22 (there was a mixup in the time schedule; now corrected). The topic next week is duality theory. Project 2 is now posted, although some of it is based on topics in later lectures.

Publisert 8. feb. 2012 15:19

It is recommended to take a look at the "Suggestions/Additional exercises", and to work on some of the problems there. If questions, feel free to ask!

Publisert 24. jan. 2012 11:26

Any suggestions for improving the webpage? (Norwegian next) Engelsk-norsk ordliste for optimering er lagt ut.

Publisert 17. jan. 2012 11:32

.... and: compulsory project 1 is now available on the course page: deadline Febr. 16. Good luck!

Publisert 4. jan. 2012 12:05

NB/NOTE: The lectures will start on Jan. 18. (not on Jan. 25. as announced before); the time plan will be updated accordingly.

Publisert 14. des. 2011 12:56

VELKOMMEN til INF-MAT3370 Line?r optimering v?ren 2012! WELCOME: the lectures are in English if there are foreign exchange-students asking for it!

Here you will learn about linear optimization (also called linear programming, LP) and the simplex algorithm; this is one of the most used algorithms in the world! LP is very useful in many areas, for instance in mathematical (and computational) finance, transportation analysis/planning, scheduling etc. You will also gain insight into applications and the theory of polyhedra (geometrical objects, examples include triangles, pyramids, cubes ...). If you like linear algebra and matrices, there is a good chance that you'll like this course as well! By the way, the book we use (Vanderbei, Linear Programming) may be read for free online (see this page), or you may buy a copy; the price was NOK 659,- at Akademika last year (pensumsrabatt). The lectures are given by Geir Dahl [geird@ma...