I have roughly a third of the essays left to correct, but so far there are about 10-15 students who have had their essay marked as 'Fail', with a new deadline given in Devilry to add some more details. Please make sure you check your Devilry accounts regularly so that you do not miss this new deadline. If your essay has not been provided feedback to so far, I will attempt to do this before Christmas and if necessary give (quite short) deadlines to update the essay content.
See the Doodle poll when your group is due to present. The presentations:
- On the 3rd in Store Auditorium.
- On the 8th and 9th in Prolog (slightly oddly placed room in the end of 2nd floor).
You don't have to be there for the other group's presentations, but you should be there in time before your presentation. You must have the adapter-hardware to connect to the projector-plugs in the rooms. Maybe good to have both HDMI and VGA just in case, and possibly test in advance.
There is only 10 minutes per group, including rig-time. Good luck.
There has been some confusion with the project deadlines. I will allocate spaces to present on the 3rd, 8th and 9th December, and the groups can decide which slot you want to present in, one a first-come-first-serve basis. . I'll try to make sure there are enough slots for the 8th/9th in case few groups want to present on the 3rd. If you present before the 9th and you have some software fixes you want to do after the presentation, you can do that until the 9th. You can of course continue working on your app after that also :-)
Remember that you also have to write an essay. See the separate page on that.
The example app available on this link had a few bugs:
1. The links to external libraries were not https, which caused some issues when loaded on the demo-server that uses https. Leaflet and jquery files are now bundled with the app.
2. The angularjs-controller had a bug for the leaflet page.
Note also that the example app already installed on your server probably doesn't work out-of-the box. You need to reinstall the app, since the API-url is pointing to the wrong URL (inf5750-mal).
For information about the group development servers, please read this wiki-page. We'll gradually add servers as we set them up. Check the group list in the message below to see if your group has a server yet.
Information about the requirements to the individual essay is available here.
Let me know if you see any mistakes. There may be changes to the list in the first week(s) due to various reasons.
The message about group signups has been sent on email. If for some reason you have not received this email and have not signed up for a group project, do not panic. Just talk to the lecturer to be assigned to a group.
Here are the slides from the AngularJS lecture.
The lecture on 8th october will be held by Andreas Ahlgren at Computas. He'll talk about the basics of Javascript.
There are of course many good references for Javascript, and one of the older, but still valid ones is 'Javascript: the good parts'. You can also find free online material several places, for example at
On 24th september we'll be discussing HTML5, in preparation to two Javascript lectures and a HTML-based phone app lecture during october. One OK book to read on this is , but you can consider whether you're interested enough to buy it or just read the free chapters.
For free documentation, you can also read
The instructions for Assignment 2 are now ready and you may start this. The assignment involves for example writing Hibernate mapping files, which is covered in last and this week's lecture. It also covers writing JUnit tests, which is covered in next week's lecture.
You need your UIO git up and running for Assignment 2, so although you can run github for assignment 1, everyone should aim to have UIO-git working by next week.
The examples from today's lectures are available under the course website from 2013. These samples have not been adapted to som newer versions so we have chosen not to include them in the 2014 course. But for those who want to study them, you can find them here.
Welcome as a student to the INF5750 Open Source development course.
This course gives you an introduction to team-based development, both as used in large-scale open source projects and commercial software development. The course covers some of the most widely used server-side open source components and frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate, as well as more recent frameworks on the Javascript client-side such as AngularJS.
The course is a practical programming course where you are exposed to working with the above components and tools both individually and as a team. For more information, you can browse the lecture schedule and presentations.