Group winners

We've been working hard since the presentations in December to find out which three groups should be the 'winners'. It was not easy. Many groups have put in a lot of effort and either showed really good results and good understanding of the technologies. We ended up with a short (?) list of 8 groups that I will not communicate. From these groups we chose the following to be the 'winners': (in random order)
Architect Wireless Group
The criteria included, but was not limited to:
- Group presentation
- Functional scope
- Perceived difficulty of the task (very difficult)
- Functions implemented beyond what was expected
- Input given to core team during the project period (bug reports etc)
- Tools and components used for project
- Test written (this lacked in many projects, including some of the winners)
- Code quality and how 'advanced' the external library usage was
Several of our developers and I did independent reviews of the code, but it is difficult to be completely fair in the criteria. Previous experience and the size of groups was ignored for example, which may have affected the result. Some groups of 2-3 did good work when taking into account that they were less people. 
To those who were not chosen, I can say that we also can see that other groups and specific individuals in some groups did outstanding work. I am convinced many of you will do excellent work in your future careers. 
Thank you very much for attending the course. It has been an enjoyable experience for me and the group teachers. I hope most of you have had a good time also. 
Best regards,
Published Jan. 14, 2015 2:23 PM