Semesterside for INF5200 - V?r 2016


A list of the exam schedule is posted , under heading "Exam schedule" , showing students' names and corresponding expected exam time.

Place: Meeting room at DESIGN (Ole-Johan Dahls hus), 7th foor

Good luck


3. juni 2016 15:17

Hi all,

I apologise for the missing Devilry folder for your assignment 14 delivery.

You now have an extended delivery deadline until next Wednesday 25th  May.


18. mai 2016 16:01

We plan to have exam this semester in INF5200 over 3 days, during week 23 in june [ 6th-10th June] .

For those of you that have not yet specified your preference exam day, please do that by email ASAP.

Hani, Tone

21. apr. 2016 11:50