
Publisert 3. juni 2016 15:17

A list of the exam schedule is posted , under heading "Exam schedule" , showing students' names and corresponding expected exam time.

Place: Meeting room at DESIGN (Ole-Johan Dahls hus), 7th foor

Good luck


Publisert 18. mai 2016 16:01

Hi all,

I apologise for the missing Devilry folder for your assignment 14 delivery.

You now have an extended delivery deadline until next Wednesday 25th  May.


Publisert 21. apr. 2016 11:50

We plan to have exam this semester in INF5200 over 3 days, during week 23 in june [ 6th-10th June] .

For those of you that have not yet specified your preference exam day, please do that by email ASAP.

Hani, Tone

Publisert 13. apr. 2016 11:12

A description of your group- task is uploaded to the mandatory group report folder.

Tone & Hani

Publisert 1. feb. 2016 13:41

Miria Grisot will give a lecture on "A systemic view on design and use of information systems" on Wednesday 3. February at 10.15-12 in Smalltalk. Here is an abstract for her talk: In this lecture I will present a systemic view on design and use of information systems. I will first present my research on the interrelation between complex work practices and information technology, and on design as processes where interdependencies and interrelations are dealt with. Then based on recent developments in the fields of CSCW, STS, HCI and IS, I will discuss how this view can contribute to expand the research agenda of the Design of Information Systems Group.


All are welcome!


best regards --Tone