Syllabus/achievement requirements


Kaasb?ll (2019) Developing digital competence - learning, teaching and supporting use of information technology.

Auxiliary literature

Mutual learning

Bano & Zowghi (2013) User Involvement in Software Development and System Success: A Systematic Literature Review

Kensing & Munk-Madsen (1993) PD: Structure in the Toolbox

IT support

Bruton (2002) How To Manage The IT Helpdesk - A guide for user support and call centre managers

Iden & Eikebrokk (2013) Implementing IT Service Management: A systematic literature review

Munkvold (2003) End User Support Usage

Santhanam (2007) Mutual learning after development


Bj?rge, J?nsson, Kaasb?ll, Pinard (2015) Training Mentors of Health Information Systems Through eLearning

Gallivan, M., Spitler, V. & Koufaris (2005) Does Information Technology Training Really Matter? A Social Information Processing Analysis of Coworkers' Influence on IT Usage in the Workplace.

McNeive (2009) Super Users Have Great Value in Your Organization

IT user competence standards

Calvani (2012) Are young generations in secondary school digitally competent? A study on Italian teenagers

Committee on IT Literacy (1999) Being Fluent with Information Technology

Digital Competence Assessment

Evaluation of training

Holton III (1996) The flawed four-level evaluation model

Ngoma, Kaasb?ll, Aanestad (2008) From user training to in-service support

Software learnability and Help functionality

Cockburn (2014) Supporting Novice to Expert Transitions in User Interfaces

Dai (2015) Tipper: Contextual Tooltips that Provide Seniors with Clear, Reliable Help for Web Tasks

Furnas (1987) The vocabulary problem in human-system communication

Grossman & Fitzmaurice (2010) ToolClips: An Investigation of Contextual Video Assistance for Functionality Understanding

Isaksen, Iversen, Kaasb?ll, Kanjo (2017) Design of Tooltips for Data Fields: A Field Experiment of Logging Use of Tooltips and Data Correctness 

Laue (2017) Anti-Patterns in End-User Documentation

Evaluation methods:

Grossman (2009) A Survey of Software Learnability: Metrics, Methodologies and Guidelines


Chillarege (2003) Learning from our mistakes: error management training for mature learners

Clark: Leveraging multimedia for learning, 2007. Adobe. Fulltext.

Grossman & Salas (2011) The transfer of training: what really matters

Mayer (1989) Models for Understanding


Aharoni, D. (2000) Cogito, ergo sum! Cognitive processes of students dealing with data structures

Bhavnani & John (2000) The Strategic Use of Complex Computer Systems

Coulson (2003) ERP training strategies: conceptual training and the formation of accurate mental models

Furuta, T. (2000) The Impact of Generating Spontaneous Descriptions on Mental Model Development

Grigoreanu End-user debugging strategies: A sensemaking perspective

Hearst (2003) Information Visualization: Principles, Promise, and Pragmatics

Mitra et al (2005) Acquisition of computing literacy on shared public computers: children and the “hole in the wall.”

Novick, Elizalde & Bean (2007) Toward a more accurate view of when and how people seek help with computer applications.
Vessey & Conger (1994) Requirement Specification: Learning Object, Process, and Data Methodologies


Publisert 19. mars 2019 12:01 - Sist endret 19. mars 2019 13:08