Q1: Jeg har et sp?rsm?l til oppgave 2 p? eksamenen. Sp?r dere om den innstallerte basen, og mener da f?r eResept ble implementert? Eller mener dere etter? Det som resulterte fra ? implementere eResept?
Q1: Do we describe the installed base before the project started or after the implementation of Eprescription was rolled out?
Q1: Quick question regarding task 2 on the ePrescription infrastructure and the installed base: Are we supposed to describe the installed base as it exists 'after' the article (today), how it was or how it was thought out to be in the planning stages? I guess this question also applies in some ways to task 3 as well.
A1: This is about the installed base shaping the change process.
Q2: Is 400 words (or 1600 in sum) an absolute or is 10% +/- allowed?
A2: maximum 400 words per answer
Q3: Er...
Hi, if you have questions about the exam you can take contact via email until kl 10.30 today:
I'll publish all questions and answers (anonymised) at 10.30.
The case for the exam is now published on the 2021 course webpage, under the heading 'Case for Exam'
The lecture by Bendik Bygstad is a recorded lecture. Unfortunately Bendik was not able to give a lecture today - so we reuse last year lecture. This is a video that was recorded last year for this course and is available in the course page together with reading guidelines and slides. Today there is no live lecture.
Dear students,
there will be no mandatory presentation of the assignments in the seminars. In the seminars this week, you'll receive some tips and examples for how to structure assignment 2.
reading guidelines and questions for lecture 5 are now published
due to sickness the lecture today is recorded and not live.
The recorded lecture will be published later today or tomorrow morning the latest.
This is a reminder that today is the deadline for establishing your project group. As in this course the project assignments are mandatory, you have to be part of a group in order to be able to take the final exam.
Dear students,
welcome to the first lecture on Monday. You'll find the Zoom link in the lecture plan, and we'll start at 14.15. The lecture on Monday will be mainly information about the course structure, lectures and seminars, pensum, group work and deliverables, and exam. No reading is required (for the first lecture).
Some of you have asked to change seminar group - yes it is possible as long as the distribution in the three groups is balanced. I'll provide information about this on Monday. As you have seen, two seminars are planned to be in presence, and one digital (on Friday). However, for the first weeks all seminars will be digital, until we get an update on the Covid situation. // Miria
Dear students,
welcome to the course IN2150, spring semester 2021. The first lecture of the course will be on Jan. 18th.
some information about the course:
- most of the lectures and the pensum will be in English, while seminars, group work, assignments and exam will be in Norwegian.
- the detailed course plan and the course literature list/pensum will be published in the course of next week.