First Lecture

Dear students,

welcome to the first lecture on Monday. You'll find the Zoom link in the lecture plan, and we'll start at 14.15. The lecture on Monday will be mainly information about the course structure, lectures and seminars, pensum, group work and deliverables,  and exam. No reading is required (for the first lecture).

Some of you have asked to change seminar group - yes it is possible as long as the distribution in the three groups is balanced. I'll provide information about this on Monday. As you have seen, two seminars are planned to be in presence, and one digital (on Friday). However, for the first weeks all seminars will be digital, until we get an update on the Covid situation.  // Miria

Publisert 15. jan. 2021 15:14 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2021 15:14