Q1: Jeg har et sp?rsm?l til oppgave 2 p? eksamenen. Sp?r dere om den innstallerte basen, og mener da f?r eResept ble implementert? Eller mener dere etter? Det som resulterte fra ? implementere eResept?
Q1: Do we describe the installed base before the project started or after the implementation of Eprescription was rolled out?
Q1: Quick question regarding task 2 on the ePrescription infrastructure and the installed base: Are we supposed to describe the installed base as it exists 'after' the article (today), how it was or how it was thought out to be in the planning stages? I guess this question also applies in some ways to task 3 as well.
A1: This is about the installed base shaping the change process.
Q2: Is 400 words (or 1600 in sum) an absolute or is 10% +/- allowed?
A2: maximum 400 words per answer
Q3: Er...