Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
01.03.2004Bill Davies? 0915-1100 Room 3508? Introduction: the course, bioinformatics and biological data.? ?
01.03.2004Bill Davies? 1215-1700 Room 4176? DNA sequencing and use of the Staden Package (Trev, Pregap and Gap) ? We will use the Staden package tutorials. Copies of the tutorials will be handed out.?
02.03.2004Tage Thorstensen? 0915-1100 Room 3508 ? Molecular biological databases. ? ?
02.03.2004Tage Thorstensen? 1215-1700 Room 4176? Practicals? An introduction to Entrez at The National Center for Biotechnology Information. ?
03.03.2004Tom Kristensen? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? Introduction to pair wise alignment? ?
03.03.2004Bill Davies? 1215-1700 Room 4176? Practicals? Pair wise alignment?
04.03.2004Tom Kristensen ? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? Searching using BLAST and FASTA. Multiple alignments using ClustalW? ?
04.03.2004Tom Kristensen ? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Searching using BLAST and FASTA. Multiple alignments using ClustalW ?
05.03.2004Eivind Hovig? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? Microarrays? ?
05.03.2004Eivind Hovig ? 1215-1700 Room 4176? Practicals? Microarrays?
08.03.2004Bill Davies and Tage Thorstensen ? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? Model organisms in general and Arabidopsis in particular? ?
08.03.2004Tage Thorstensen ? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Using the Arabidopsis database?
10.03.2004Andreas Botnen? 0915-1000 Room 3508? An introduction to UNIX? ?
10.03.2004Andreas Botnen ? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? UNIX tutorials?
11.03.2004Andreas Botnen ? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? UNIX continued? ?
11.03.2004Andreas Botnen? 1215-1700 Room 4176? Practicals? UNIX tutorials?
15.03.2004David Martin? 0915-1000 Room 3508 ? Introduction to sequences in computers and to databases. ? ?
15.03.2004David Martin ? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Simple sequence retrieval using SRS and EMBOSS and format conversion. Analysis of single sequences.?
16.03.2004David Martin? 0915-1000 Room 3508? Pair wise Sequence alignment BLAST at NCBI Building and managing personal BLAST databases? ?
16.03.2004David Martin? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Pair wise Sequence alignment BLAST at NCBI Building and managing personal BLAST databases ?
17.03.2004David Martin ? 0915-1000 Room 3508? Multiple sequence alignment, Protein motifs and patterns and Protein structure visualization ? ?
17.03.2004David Martin? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Multiple sequence alignment, Protein motifs and patterns and Protein structure visualization ?
18.03.2004David Martin ? 0915-1000 Room 3508? Unix scripting for high throughput analysis? ?
18.03.2004David Martin ? 1215-1700 Room 4176? Practicals? Unix scripting for high throughput analysis ?
19.03.2004David Martin? 0915-1000 Room 3508? Advanced Unix, Hidden Markov Models? ?
19.03.2004David Martin? 1215-1700 Room 4176 ? Practicals? Advanced Unix, Hidden Markov Models ?
Published Nov. 20, 2003 12:55 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2004 1:07 PM