
Publisert 10. juni 2008 20:54

Click to the left on Exam June 2008 for answers to the exam of June 10.

Publisert 3. mai 2008 23:10

The MBV2020 exams from 2004 to 2007 can be downloaded from the Previous exams link on the left.

Publisert 28. mars 2008 11:42

The first molecular biology lab course will be on Wednesday (onsdag), April 9. We meet at 12:15 (group 1) or 16:15 (group 2) in auditorium 3. Students who want to change groups should meet with the group they want to be in.

Publisert 9. jan. 2008 23:15

HUSK obligatorisk oppm?te p? f?rste labgjennomgang tirsdag 15. januar kl 1215.

Publisert 19. des. 2007 11:18

Labparti 1 i biokjemi starter tirsdag 15 januar. Resten av semesteret g?r partiet p? torsdager kl 1215, med unntak av torsdag 24. januar hvor lab?velsen starter kl 1315.