MBV1030 – General biochemistry
Course description
Course content
The fundamentals and concepts of biochemistry will be presented, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids. Central metabolic pathways, synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins in addition to regulation of gene activity are also covered.
Learning outcome
The course will provide a general knowledge of the most important biomolecules, cellular reaction pathways and maintenance and expression of genetic information .
Students who are admitted to study programmes at UiO must each semester register which courses and exams they wish to sign up for in Studentweb.
If you are not already enrolled as a student at UiO, please see our information about admission requirements and procedures.
Formal prerequisite knowledge
In addition to fulfilling the Higher Education Entrance Qualification, applicants have to meet the following special admission requirements:
Mathematics R1 (or Mathematics S1 and S2) + R2
And in addition one of these:
- Physics (1+2)
- Chemistry (1+2)
- Biology (1+2)
- Information technology (1+2)
- Geosciences (1+2)
- Technology and theories of research (1+2)
The special admission requirements may also be covered by equivalent studies from Norwegian upper secondary school or by other equivalent studies (in Norwegian).
Recommended previous knowledge
KJM1011 – Organic Chemistry 1 (discontinued) og MBV1010 – Cell biology and genetics (discontinued)
Overlapping courses
The course overlaps 4 ECTS credits with KJM2200.
Lectures, 42 h, classes, 24 hours, least 12 hours obligatory. Two projects have to be handed in. The projects must be approved in order for the students to be eligible for the final exam.
Final written exam, 3 hours, in December. Allowed examination aids: Calculator. Letter grades (A-F).
This subject offer new examination in the beginning of the subsequent term for candidates who withdraw during an ordinary examination or fail an ordinary examination. More information about new examination can be found on the faculty's site.
Course evaluation
Feedback from our students is an essential to us in our efforts to ensure and further improve the high quality of our programmes and courses. As a student at the University of Oslo you will therefore be asked to participate in various types of evaluation of our courses, facilities and services. All study programmes and courses are subject to continuous evaluation. At regular intervals we also ask students enrolled in a particular programme or course to participate in a more comprehensive, in-depth evaluation of their programme or course.