The topic for the last essay (essay 2) can now be downloaded, together with instructions about how to write and submit it. Good luck. Asbj?rn
Til onsdag s? utg?r to av presentasjonene. De artiklene dere skal foreberede dere p?/lese er Forsyth et al. 2005 og Munch and Conover 2003.
All papers for the presentations can now be downloaded as pdf-files if you go to Classfronter (tutorials).
Correction: the first lecture is of course on Wednesday August 24 (not 25 as written previously).
Please read the review paper by Steven Stearns - it is now available for downloading.
Alle som skal delta p? ?rets kurs m? m?te p? f?rste kursdag (25. 8) - eller de m? ta kontak med meg p? forh?nd. Asbj?rn