
Published Sep. 9, 2010 2:12 PM

The course start is Monday 13 September at 09:00am in the Auditorium at the ground floor in the Geological Museum (building inside the Botanical Garden of the Natural History Museum, Sars' Gate 1, T?yen in Oslo).

Click the "Detailed information" to the left on this page to download a pdf-file with the latest information. This file is dated, and may be updated again before the course starts.

Bring your own lunch and drink every day. For the first day (Mon. 13 Sep.) there will be an afternoon field trip to old iron skarn mines at Sognsvann in Oslo. Bring your field clothes and boots plus field equipment (hammer, eye protection glasses, hand lens; rain gear if necessary) and travel pass or money for public transportation.

For preparations to the first day's field trip, see our Handouts page at:

Read there the "Field Trip 20-21 SEP 10 - BACKGROUND" about the Oslo Rift, and the "Field Trips - SKARN" papers there. Y...