Teaching plan

DateTeacherPlaceTopicLecture notes / comments
04.10.2005B?rd Romstad? Aud. II? Introduction and geomorphometrical description of the earth surface?? ?
05.10.2005B?rd Romstad? Aud. II? Principles of GIS?? Huggett: 1,2. Wilson: 1. (Etzelmüller & Sulebak)?
06.10.2005Andi K??b? Aud II? Principles of remote sensing and application of remote sensing in geohazard? Hand outs?
07.10.2005Andi K??b? Aud. II? Remote sensing and geohazard, an introduction and overview?? Hand outs?
07.10.2005Svein Olav Kr?gli? LAB? Introduction to GIS and ArcMap? ?
10.10.2005Bend Etzelmüller? Aud. II? DEM principles, data structure and data storage? Hugget: 2. Wilson: 2??
11.10.2005Bend Etzelmüller? Aud. II? DEM interpolation and quality assessment?? Lane: 7,(13). Wilson: 5??
12.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Theory of spatial variability?? Oliver & Webster??
13.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Principles of geomorphometry?? Lane: 6. Wilson: 3,4??
14.10.2005Svein Olav Kr?gli? LAB? Assignment 1: "Digital elevation model and terrain parameters"? ?
17.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Terrain parameterisation?? Lane: 6. Wilson: 3,4?
18.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Buffer ... (demos)? Lane: 6. Wilson: 3,4. (Sulebak et al.)??
19.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Linking terrain parameters and landform processes?? Lane: 6. Wilson: 3,4. (Sulebak et al.)??
20.10.2005B?rd Romstad? Aud. II.? Application - Inclusion of terrain parameters in empricial/numerical slope models?? Salzmann, Huggel etc?
21.10.2005Svein Olav Kr?gli? LAB? Assignment 1: "Digital elevation model and terrain parameters" - continued? ?
24.10.2005Bernd Etzelmüller? Aud. II? Applications of topographic analysis on slope hazard, empirical relationships and cartographic modelling principles?? Berry, handouts?
25.10.2005LAB? Aud. II? No lecture, lab and assignment work? ?
26.10.2005LAB? Aud. II? No lecture, lab and assignment work? ?
27.10.2005Eva Heggem? Aud. II? Topographically based models (energy/radiation balance, snow distribution)?? Huggett: 3,(4),(5). Wilson 4. (Kumar et al.)??
28.10.2005Svein Olav Kr?gli? LAB? Assignment 2: "Simple GIS-based rock slide modelling"?? ?
31.10.2005? ? Project work, Buffer? ?
01.11.2005Eva Heggem? Aud. II? Topographically based models (energy/radiation balance, snow distribution) ? Huggett: 3,(4),(5). Wilson 4. (Kumar et al.) ?
02.11.2005B?rd Romstad? Aud. II? Terrain classification principles?? Wilson: 11,(13). (Weibel & DeLotto) ??
03.11.2005Bernd E.? Aud. II? Preparation to examn? ?
04.11.2005All? ? Project work and preparation to examn ? ?
04.11.2005Svein Olav Kr?gli? LAB? Assignment 3: "Radiation and snow distribution"?? ?
07.11.2005? ? WRITTEN EXAMINATION? ?
Published Sep. 27, 2005 12:53 PM - Last modified Oct. 27, 2005 11:28 AM