
Published Dec. 4, 2012 5:16 PM

Kandidatrekkef?lgen og tidspunkt ligger n? ute slik som vi ble enige om mandag 3.12 ... lars petter

Published Nov. 28, 2012 2:09 PM

Oppgradert Lecture notes tigjengelig fra og med idag. ,,, lp

Published Nov. 28, 2012 2:08 PM

Husk ekstraundervisning idag fra 15-17. ...lp

Published Nov. 5, 2012 10:32 AM

Husk ekstraundervisning idag kl. 10:15 i m?terom 7 (CIENS) ... lars petter

Published Oct. 29, 2012 5:24 PM

Please note that you have to submit your second obligatory exercise, that is, Problem Set 6: Flux corrections, by Monday November 5. The third obligatory exercise is Problem Set 8: Planetary waves, which has to be submitted by Wednesday November 21. The fourth and last obligatory exercise is Problem Set 10: Storm surges, which has to be submitted by Monday December 3. (Please note that all dates refer to 2012.) Enjoy and good luck ... lars petter

Published Oct. 29, 2012 5:18 PM

Beklager, men jeg m? avlyse forelesningen onsdag 7. november pga. reise til Polen. Foresl?r dobbeltime som i dag den 5. november for ? f? timene til ? g? opp (m?terom 7 da ogs? forh?pentligvis). Husk at ogs? forelesningene p? mandag 12. november, onsdag 14. november og mandag 19. november ogs? er avlyst. Ogs? her m? vi avtale nye tider for ? ta igjen noe av det tapte. N?r det gjelder Computer Problem nr. 3 (av 4) se egen beskjed. ... lars petter

Published Oct. 29, 2012 10:33 AM

Hei, Husk dobbeltime idag 10:15-12:00 og 12:15 - 14:00. Alt foreg?r i m?terom 7 som vanlig. ... lars petter

Published Oct. 3, 2012 1:21 PM

Please find an updated version of the Computer Problems, in particular with regard to Problem set 3 ... lars petter

Published Sep. 19, 2012 5:24 PM

New versions of the Lecture Notes as well as the Computer Problems are available. Enjoy ... lars petter

Published Sep. 11, 2012 11:27 AM

A couple of program examples is now available under Program Examples. I will upload new examples frequently.


Published Sep. 3, 2012 5:53 PM

You may have noticed that Gunnar Wollans FORTRAN Compendium is available. Please consult it before he starts his lectures on Wednesday Sep. 5. ... lars petter

Published Sep. 3, 2012 5:47 PM

A set of Computer problems are now available (see Lecture material). Note that Problem set 1 (Truncation error), the one I handed out today, is updated. Please do this problem set before Sep. 19. ... lars petter

Published Aug. 29, 2012 6:27 PM

An upgraded version of the Lecture notes available as of today. Chapters 1 and 2 are "completed". ... lars petter

Published Aug. 27, 2012 1:51 PM

The preliminary Lecture notes for fall 2012 is now downloadable from the home page as "Lecture notes" under the heading "Lecture material". ... lars petter

Published Aug. 27, 2012 1:30 PM

Please note that on the dates Sep 12, Nov 12, 14 og 26 we have to switch lecture room to meeting room no. 8. The rrom is somewhat hard to find, but you find it next to room 7 under the staircase that leads to room 7, that is, closer to the new cafeteria underneath the CIENS reception area. ... lars petter

Published Aug. 20, 2012 12:32 PM

Hi all Remember that we start today at 12:15 - 14:00. The lectures takes place in meeting room #7 in the CIENS building (Oslo Innovation Park = 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken). See you there ... lars petter

Published July 2, 2012 11:27 AM

Hi all!! To prepare yourself please download (but do NOT print!!) last years (autumn 2011) Lecture Notes. Note that first lecture is as early as August 20. See you all there ... lars petter