The oral examination will proceed as described here.
The oral exam counts 2/3 of the final grade, whereas the written mid-term exam counts 1/3.
Good luck!
Jón Egill
The curriculum previously published on 12 January has now been updated (scroll down to find the updated message from 12 January).
On Friday 2 May, at 12:15-13:00, Andreas Vogel will present this paper, as a part of his GEF9310 curriculum. Bring your lunch and enjoy + ask good questions at the end. The presentation will take about 25 min, so there's still 20 mins for discussions
On Monday 2 May, at 12:15-13:00, Andreas Vogel will present this paper, as a part of his GEF9310 curriculum. Bring your lunch and enjoy + ask good questions at the end. The presentation will take about 25 min, so there's still 20 mins for discussions.
This Friday both Inger-Helene and Jón Egill are at the EVA project meeting, so there won't be any lectures or group sessions.
The final exam this semester will be held on Tuesday 7 June. More details later.
There are several typos in the text book. Many of them (but not all) are listed here,
There will be a regular lecture on Friday 1 April. We will start on Chapter 8 on growth (of cloud droplets and ice crystals) from the vapor phase.
As we agreed on last time, there will be a group session on Monday 14.03 instead of the first Friday after easter (01.04). We will focuse on the last part of chapter 7, but it will also be enough time to ask questions about the other parts of the curriculum for the midterm exam. -Inger Helene
Only the midterm exam from 2015 is relevant for you since they used a different book before that year, but if you are interessed to look at the midterm exams from the years before 2015, you find some of them in the link in the column on the left side of this page named "old midterm exams". Read the README-file. You find the midterm exam from 2015 under the link "problems" in the same column. - Inger Helene
As we agreed on in the group session today, we will move the group session from Monday 07.03 to Tuesday 08.03 8.15-10.00. I will get back to you about the location. -Inger Helene
Hi, everyone! We need to move the group session 07.03 to another time and date because of a meeting I am going to attend in Stockholm. We can spend some minutes in the next group session to decide a new time and date. -Inger Helene
Hi! Nice to see (almost) all of you today. I've made a document containing all the information you need about the group sessions. You find it in the link at the right side of the main page for this course this semester, or here: /studier/emner/matnat/geofag/GEF4310/v16/problems/schedule-for-the-group-session.html . I will update this document with information about which problems you are going to solve for each week and the extra problems I give you during the sessions. If you keep continue showing up, I can also put some solutions online:) -Inger Helene
Try to solve problem 1.4.2 in the book and problem 1 from the midterm exam from last year (/studier/emner/matnat/geofag/GEF4310/v16/problems/midtveis_2015.pdf). When it comes to the problem from the exam: do the calculations as well (not only set up the equations). Be prepared to go through the problems at the board. We'll also have a quiz from ch1 and ch2 and spend some time getting to know each other. Looking forward to see you! -Inger Helene
The first lecture this semester will be given on Monday 18 January at 10:15-12:00 in Glasshallen 2.
As last year, will use selected parts of the textbook "Physics and Chemistry of Clouds" by Dennis Lamb and Johannes Verlinde, Cambridge University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0-521-89910-9.
Monday 18 January: Chapter 1 (repetition, introduction) + sub-chapter 2.1.4 (aerosols).
Friday 22 January: Sub-chapters 3.2-3.3 (moist thermodynamics)
More details to follow.
Jon Egill
Attendance at the first lecture is compulsory. Students who fail to meet, are considered to have withdrawn from the course unless they have previously given notice to the Studies administration, E-mail address: