
Published Apr. 29, 2008 1:35 PM

Figures offering more detailed information about the thermohaline circulation, are found here.

Published Apr. 4, 2008 5:26 PM

Pictures and ICTD data from a foggy day on the Oslofjord are presented here. Deadline for cruise report is Friday,April 18.

Published Mar. 12, 2008 10:12 AM

Mid-term exam will be based on Chapters 2-5 in Pickard & Emery and Chapters 1-5 in the Lecture Notes.

Midtveiseksamen baseres p? kapittel 2-5 i Pickard & Emery og kapittel 1-5 i Forelesningsnotater.

Published Feb. 29, 2008 4:48 PM

Pictures from the field trip and CTD data in xls format are presented here

Published Feb. 13, 2008 6:29 PM

Oblig. No. 1 is presented here

Oblig. nr. 1 f?es her

Published Jan. 18, 2008 8:18 PM

Schedule for lectures spring-08 is found here. Red font refers to Pickard & Emery, blue font to the lecture notes.

Undervisningsplan for v?ren-08 f?es her. R?d font refererer til Pickard & Emery, bl? font til forelesningsnotatene.

Published Jan. 17, 2008 11:37 AM

The fjord cruise will be arranged as two parts: the first on Friday February 29 and the second on Friday April 4, both from 0900 to about 1200-1300.

Fjordtoktet vil bli arrangert som to deler: den f?rste p? fredag 29. februar og den andre p? fredag 4. april, fra 0900 til ca. 1200-1300.