
Publisert 24. nov. 2017 18:03

Here's this year's mid-term exam and one set of possible solutions.



Publisert 24. nov. 2017 14:36

Can be downloaded here.


Publisert 23. nov. 2017 10:49

Hi all.

The lecture notes for the course are now updated. We won't make any more edits to them (other than maybe correct for typos).

You may be examined on everything that is in the lecture notes except for

  • what is put in the appendix on equatorial and high latitude flows
  • material which is put in boxes and labeled as "A little extra".

This Friday will be our last meeting. The entire session will be dedicated to Q&A, so bring any questions you may have. I'll also bring back your oblig 2 and the cruise reports.

P?l E.


Publisert 17. nov. 2017 14:24

Oblig 2 needs to be handed in asap. The official deadline was today, Friday 17/11. If it's not in by Tuesday 21/11 you may not be able to take the exam.

P?l E.

Publisert 2. nov. 2017 16:18

Hi all.

The second obligatory problem set can be downloaded here.

It is due on 17 November. Good luck with it!


Publisert 26. okt. 2017 11:23

The lecture will be in Glasshallen 2 in the Science Park.

Publisert 25. okt. 2017 22:51

Here's the forecast for the drifter trajectories: red - no waves, black - with waves.

Publisert 20. okt. 2017 21:55

The data from the cruise are finally ready and you can now start doing the analysis for a cruise report. The instructions are given in this document (note that a task involving comparison with MET's ocean models have been taken out). The report is due Friday 3 November. You are allowed to collaborate on this, but we expect a cruise report from each student.

The flux and optics data from the three groups were handed in using different formats, but here they are:...

Publisert 18. okt. 2017 12:48

Grunna fortsatt teknisk feil i undervisningsrom 219 flyttast forelesninga i GEF2610, onsdag, 25. oktober, til aud. 2 i Geologibygninga i p?vente av service. Tidspunktet er det samme. 

Timeplanen p? nett er oppdatert. 

Med vennleg helsing, 
Institutt for geofag

Publisert 13. okt. 2017 18:31

Grunna teknisk feil i undervisningsrom 219 flyttast forelesninga i GEF2610, onsdag, 18. oktober, til Mellomrommet (rom 102) i Geologibygninga i p?vente av service. Tidspunktet er det samme. Dersom service lar vente p? seg vil vi ogs? booke om forelesninga fredag, men kjem d? tilbake med meir info. 

Timeplanen p? nett er oppdatert. 

Vi beklager for bryderiet dette medf?rer!

Med vennleg helsing, 
Institutt for geofag

Publisert 11. okt. 2017 10:13

Here's a link to last year's midterm exam.

Remember to bring an ID to the exam this Friday.

P?l e.


Publisert 9. okt. 2017 13:44

To help you prepare for the midterm exam this coming Friday (held in Sal 4D Silurveien 2 at 1430) we will have a voluntary Q&A session instead of a normal class this Wednesday. Bring your questions and I'll try to answer them. I'll also return the corrected obligatory problem set and may also go through questions there if somebody are interested in that.

P?l E.


Publisert 4. okt. 2017 08:51

Hei, please note that the lectures following dates are cancelled.

6/10, 13/10 (due to mid-term exam kl. 1430), 1/12, 8/12, and 15/12.

Regards studies administration

Publisert 3. okt. 2017 20:28

Hi again,

The midterm exam will be held at the original place and time:

Date and time: Friday 13 Oct at 1430 (for 1 hour)

Place: Sal 4D Silurveien 2 (check the map on the clickable link)

P?l E.

Publisert 29. sep. 2017 23:22

Hi all.

There may have been a bit of confusion about the date of the midterm exam. It will be Friday 13 October. Right now we're set up for 1430 that day, in Sal 4D Silurveien 2, off campus. But I'll see about having it at normal time at our normal place. Will notify you about the hour and place later.

P?l Erik


Publisert 25. sep. 2017 16:23

The lecture this Friday will be held in "Skolestua" in the Geology building. So not in the usual place in CIENS. Kai will start talking about geostrophy, the reason why large-scale currents don't primarily flow down the pressure gradient but along them!




Publisert 21. sep. 2017 15:40

I've been made aware of some 'vagueness' in Problem 8 of oblig 1. This has now been corrected, and you can download the new version of the whole thing here.


The oblig is still due on 29 September. You can either turn it in to Kai or me in class or you can email it to me at




Publisert 20. sep. 2017 07:40

The cruise this Friday wil start at 9 am and last until 2-3 pm. You'll have to meet at 'R?dhuskaia' in front of City Hall a few minutes before 9 am. Information (including a map) is given in this flyer.


You'll need to fill out a form in advance, a 'feltkort'. Go to this page:

and click on the link to the right 'Field card for field work participant' (you may even be able to click on this link from here). Fill out the form and see if you get a receipt. Finally, send me a copy of that receipt, to


See you Friday.



Publisert 15. sep. 2017 12:18

If no room in listed, the lecture takes place in Glasshallen 2, Oslo Science Park.

Publisert 10. sep. 2017 12:41

Hi all.

Time for you to do some work. The first obligatory problem set is ready and can be downloaded here. For one of the problems you'll be reading and plotting data from a datafile found here.

You have until Friday 29 Setember to finish this. It's quite a bit of work, so we suggest you start right away. Working in groups of two-three people is encouraged, as you'll learn lots from explaining to each other.

Best of luck.

K + PE

Publisert 31. aug. 2017 13:05

Sorry for having to wait in uncertainty. Our cruise on the Oslofjord will be Friday 22 Sepbember, starting around 9am and lasting till 2-3pm. More instructions will follow.

Publisert 31. aug. 2017 08:34

The two animations I showed during the first lecture can be found here: ocean sea surface temperature and currents (NASA and the ECCO2 group) and surface temperature, atmospheric humidity and precipitation (BCCR/ECMWF/NASA/MET Norway).

Those of you interested in the eddy covariance method, and the challenges associated with making flux measurements on a moving research vessel might want to have a look at Landwehr et al. (2015). This is not part of the syllabus...


Publisert 30. aug. 2017 12:08

This Wednesday Kai talked about fluxes through the air-sea (and sea ice!) interface. On Friday we'll start with the mathematical basis, first the conservation equations for mass, heat and salt.

Note that this Friday (and most Fridays ahead) we'll be in room 'Glasshallen 2' in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken (Oslo science park). It's on the other side of the t-bane line. Map here:

When you've entered through the main entrance the room is one set of stairs down. Ask the receptionist.


Publisert 28. aug. 2017 08:47

Last Friday we covered the chapter on the stratified ocean. This Wednesday, held in room 219 ("Valhall"), Kai will go through the next chapter, on fluxes/exchanges with the atmosphere through the sea surface. These are the fluxes that drive the ocean they're worth paying attention to.

Publisert 23. aug. 2017 14:17

The class on Friday 25 September will be in Auditorium 3 in the Geology building (same as we were in today, Wednesday). One floor down.

We'll start learning about the stratified ocean.
