
Published Apr. 22, 2014 10:01 AM

The last lecture on radiation protection will be tomorrow Wednesday23. April 8:15-10:00. Sorry for late notice! bw HILDE

Published Apr. 14, 2014 2:34 PM
  • Lecture on Wed 23. April is as already informed canceled
  • Last lecture on radiation protection Fri 25. April as planned
  • We offer some highlights from the semester as repetition Wed 30. April
  • Oral examination Wed 7. May; look at the web for time and place

Seasons greetings! bw AC&Hilde

Published Mar. 17, 2014 3:31 PM

The dosimetric exercises we will go through Friday 21. March you find in the file fys4760-ct-oppgaver. You are recommented to have a look at them before we meet. bw HILDE

Published Mar. 12, 2014 1:47 PM

If you look to the left under "Plan of semester" you will find the draft program for a visit to Statens str?levern/NRPA Friday 28 March. I expect to see all four of you - Welcome! bw Hilde

Published Mar. 12, 2014 1:37 PM

This Friday the lecture on CT dosimetry at 8:15 will be some compressed, since I need to be in Lille Fy at 10:00. You are all welcome to Ingrid Helens trial lecture and disputation on mammography:


Published Mar. 4, 2014 1:39 PM

Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Ullev?l Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo

See on the map:,+0450+Oslo,+Norge&panel=1&f=d&fb=1&geocode=FbaVkgMdoOmjACkL8JdOdW5BRjFPVbflOxPV0w&cid=15264127660020159823

Meet at the main entrance at the cafeteria, you will be met by Siri. Welcome! AC

Published Feb. 6, 2014 12:42 PM

Hi! I have had some problems to translate the headings on the folders to the left. Look into the folder "Regneoppgaver" which means "Dosimetric exercises and previous Exam sets". Open the file named fys4760-problems-xray-ct-hmolerud.pdf. Solve problem 1 a-f, 2, 3 and 4. Make a pdf of your suggested solution, and submit to within Friday 7th March. Good luck! bw HILDE

Published Dec. 16, 2013 10:33 AM

F?rste forelesning/PEP talk er onsdag 15. januar kl. 8:15p? grupperommet til Biofysikkgruppa (KJM V346)! Vi har ny l?rebok i kurset n?, se pensumliste og program for kurset vi har lagt ut! Velkommern!

Hilsen Anne Catrine&Hilde