- Final oral exam scheduled May 29th 2018, starting at 10:15. Approximately 45 minutes per student, including a presentation of the final project (20-25 minutes), followed by questions (~20 minutes)
- Wednesday 2.5.2018:
- first hour: further discussion on final projects. Please, develop further your projects, following the comments you have received. Subjects must be agreed on 2.5.2018. A plan including introduction and motivations, theoretical and experimental situation, detailed technical task to carry out to be put in the LHC context, ATLAS open data analysis and comparison to simulation, conclusions and outlook.
- SUSY lecture: 13:00 - 14:45.
I am recovering from a cold and suggest the following for tomorrow. Please, show up and work together in ?393. I will be available remotely for answering questions. Magnar will be available in his office and will pass by and help introducing comphep extensions to new physics and to follow up on last week’s tutorial.
- work / advance on project 2: especially run CompHEP (SM and beyond with some examples: W’, Z’, possibly W_R, nu_R, …). Learn how to save and read results, plot various distributions, combine plots, compare to calculations & experimental results, …
- Bring your laptop: you can work directly with it OR use it to access a desktop.
- If an additional week is needed to finish project 2 it will be possible, the most important being to systematically work through the full project :)
Good luck.
Tomorrow (14.2) I’d like to discuss the projects (1 and 2) and also finish the introduction to the SM. If needed you can use part of tomorrow's session to finalise your project 1.
Next week there will be a hands-on session which I really recommend not to miss. Bring your laptops.
Welcome to the course FYS4560!