Subject now chosen and outline approved by me.
Bibliography/material to use discussed with me.
Report (max 15 pages (12pt) including everything - plots, tables, references, title page) to be sent per email by June 7.6 24:00 for master students and by Jun 13th 24:00 for phD students).
Presentation: 25 minutes, followed by questions by audience + examiners (up to 20 minutes). You can receive feed back to your slides if sent to me 2/3 days before exam.
Good luck.
We will continue discussing the assignments of final projects. As already stressed the subjects discussed during the lecture (see Colloq slides) will be covered. Once the titles known, the students are asked to propose an outline.
The exam takes place on
- Jun 12 at UiO - same place as lectures - for students following the FYS4560 course.
- June 20 at CERN for phD students following the 9560 course
Program Tuesday 5th and 7th Februray.
- Finish the first project. Ask questions during the first session.
- Use the gauge principle to QED and QCD and reproduce the results shown during the lectures. Ask questions during the first session.
- Practice with CompHep and go through Appendix B of the book.
- Start working on the second project (to be delivered the first week of March). This involves, among others, the calculation of Feynman graphs (ee->gam,Z -> tautau), see webpage for more details. If needed, an introduction to Feynman graph calculation, such as electron scattering, will be given.
Status: We have introduced parts of the SM and the way interactions are generated. QED and QCD are based on exact symmetries. Gauge principle applied to U(1) and SU(3)_C requires the photon and gluons to be massless. Go through the maths. On February 12 we continue with the electroweak interactions, including spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB).
Reminder: Lectures and colloquia take place on Tuesdays 10:15-12:00 and Thursdays 14:15-16:00. The latter will be cancelled when it coincides with a common colloquium of the physics institute. You will be informed.
B?rge K. Gjelsten will run the session on February 5th and 7th.
As agreed, the first lecture will take place on Thursday 24.01 from 14:15 - 16:00 in seminar room ?393. In the future we will keep this time slot as a reserve - see my email - and we will stick to Tuesday 10:15 - 13:00. On Thursday we can discuss the alternative 9:15 - 12:00 if preferred. (At least one student is following general relativity 12:15 - 14:00 on Tuesdays).
Welcome to FYS4560. The lectures will be given on Tuesdays 10:15 - 13:00. First lecture: January 22.