There is no lecture Wednesday May 27. The last lecture is on Thursday May 28, where we finalize our discussions of project 2. Time is 215pm-7pm, as usual.
The final version of project 2 is now available, with corrected typos. problem 2c is optional.
Else, the final date for the oral exam is June 15.
Today's lecture starts at room FV311, 2.15pm. We move to the lab at 3pm.
Kyrre's presentation on Object orientation and project 1 can be found under slides from lectures, see the file kyrrens.pdf.
Project 2 is now available both as PDF and latex file, see under projects and project 2. The deadline is May 31.
The day for the oral exam has now been fixed, June 15.
Project 2 is discussed for the first time Wednesday 25 March. The final project text will be placed under projects at Sunday 29.
The lecture of Wednesday 18th starts at 1315. The first our is cancelled.
Project 2 will be presented on Wednesday March 25. The deadline is set to May 20. There will only be two projects. Possible dates for the final oral exam are June 2, or June 15, 16 and 17. Please let me know your choices as soon as possible.
The deadline for project 1 is moved to friday April 3. The two-particle correlation part is also removed. An updated version of project 1 can be found under projects.
The lecture on Wednesday March 4 is moved to Auditorium Lille Fys ?157.
There are no lectures during week 4 (16-20 January) but Wednesday's lecture can be used to demonstrate how to use
Project 1 is now available under the projects link. You will find both a pdf file and the Latex source file. The program referred to in the project text can be found under chapter 11 (program1.cpp or program1.f90) of the programs link.
The first lecture is January 14, 12.15pm -2pm, Lille Fysiske Auditorium, in the Physics building. The detailed teaching plan will be updated Monday 12.