
DatoUndervises avStedTemaKommentarer / ressurser
14.03.2006Morten Hjorth-Jensen (MHJ)? Store Fys Aud? Introduction to Parallelization and Statistical Physics? We will follow the text of Newman and Barkema, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999. Of relevance here are chapters 1-3. In addition, for parallelization and MPI, we will use the Lecture Notes of Xing Cai at IFI

For instructions on how to use our local clusters, visit Jon Nilsen's petit how to?

16.03.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Parallelization and Statistical Physics? See also the text of Newman and Barkema (NB), chapter 3.?
21.03.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Parallelization and Statistical Physics? We continue with parallelization and statistical physics (Ising model). The emphasis is on implementations of the Metropolis algorithm for the Ising model. For C++ and Fortran 95 courses, see the courses INF-VERK3820 and INF-VERK3820 at IFI


23.03.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Parallelization and Statistical Physics? Chapter 4 of NB, discussion of other algorithms than the Metropolis algo. We introduce the Swendsen-Wang and the Wolff algoes. Project 1 is also presented and discussed.?
28.03.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Algorithms for studies of phase transitions? Continuation of the discussion of the Wolff and Swendsen Wang algorithms.?
30.03.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Analysing Monte Carlo data? The emphasis will be on the histogram methods as tools to classify the order of a given transition. NB chapter 8.1 and 8.2?
04.04.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Histogram methods? ?
06.04.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Finite size scaling and Monte Carlo renormalization group? See NB chapters 8.3 and 8.4.?
20.04.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud? Quantum Monte Carlo? Introduction to quantum Monte Carlo methods. Lecture notes of MHJ. During the lab session we also present a resume of the statistical physics part and discuss project 1. The section on Monte Carlo renormalization group is omitted.?
20.04.2006MHJ? FV329? Introduction to Quantum Monte Carlo? Variational Monte Carlo for simple systems hydrogen and helium atoms.?
27.04.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud and FV329? Variational and Diffusion Quantum Monte Carlo? Choice of trial wave function and brute force Metropolis versus importance sampling techniques. Introduction to diffusion Monte Carlo techniques. Presentation of project 2.?
11.05.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud and FV329? Diffusion Monte Carlo (DMC) and Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC)? Application of diffusion Monte carlo techniques to Bose Einstein condensation.?
18.05.2006MHJ? Store Fys Aud and FV329? DMC and BEC? Last lecture, summary of project 2 and quantum Monte Carlo methods.?
Published Mar. 6, 2006 10:52 AM - Last modified Apr. 20, 2006 10:15 AM