Student presentations November 30.
The lecture on November 23rd 9Am - 12AM will take place in Aud ?157 in the Physics building.
The exam will take place 9/12 and 10/12 2004
The lecture week 47 will take place on WEDNESDAY the 17th of November at 1015 in the MinaLab building.
Lecture on accelerometers and electrostatic forces Thursday 28/10 1215 room 443a
Lecture Tuesday 19/10 is moved to Thursday 21/10. Time: 1200-1400 Place: Room 443a Physics Building ?
Half day course on MultiMEMS foundry will take place Tuesday October 5th at SINTEF main building in 澳门葡京手机版app下载sveien 1. NOTE: registration at 0900!!!
The half-day course on MultiMEMS foundry design will take place on Tuesday, October 5. 2004. Place: MinaLab, Time: 0915-1315.
The lecture/half-day course 28/9-2004 is cancelled!
Deadline for excercise 3+4, 2/11-2004. Use your personal Coventor licence-week for your work!
Kapittel 9: Structures ligger kopiert opp p? ekspedisjonskontoret. Viktig kapittel for oblig 2!
Deadline for exercise 2: Friday September 17. Mail to liv.furuberg[p?]
Kapittel 22 "Microsystems for DNA aplification" er ogs? kopiert opp og ligger p? ekspedisjonskontoret.
The lecture Tuesday September 7. will take place in the MinaLab. Please wait by the door on the upper side of the building (facing e.g. NEMKO). The building is 4 meters away from the IFI building, find the way to ifi
DNA amplification for dummies: nobel
28th of September there will be a course on the SensoNor/MultiMEMS manufacturing process 10.00-14.00. No normal lecture that day.
For dere som ikke har f?tt tak i Senturias bok: Kapittel 1,2 og 3 er kopiert i 9 eksemplarer som ligger p? ekspedisjonskontoret, fysikk. G? og hent!
If you intend to follow this course fall 2004, please send me a mail at liv.furuberg[xxxxx]
Obligatorisk oppgave 1 is Problem 13.2 in Senturia's book. Please mail the calculation to Liv within Saturday 4th of September.