The final results for the FYS3710 course fall term 2008 may be downloaded here
Most other downloadable items have now been removed from the servers. lab-reports and obligs which have not yet been returned to the students may be picked up at my office.
I wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!
Then the exam is behind us, and for those interested a list of answers (in Norwegian only) for the exam questions is available
A list of acceptable calculators for exams may be found at this link
All lab reports, except those from the Dosimetry lab which I have not received yet, will be put in the FYS3710 box at the Dept. Physics office at about 13:30 and may be picked up there (remember, the office closes normally at 15:00).
Repetisjon Dagens forelesning tok opp noen f? tema studentene hadde bedt om skulle bli gjennomg?tt. Powerpoint-slides fra denne repetisjonsforelesningen kan lastes ned her
Her kan dere finne en datafil som de av dere som tok laboppgave p? Radiumhospitalet (Dosimetri) trenger for ? kunne besvare sp?rsm?l 3 i oppgaveteksten.
Remember: the cancelled lecture in MRI is scheduled for Friday Nov. 21 at 1015 - 1200, Physics building east room ?467
- Lectures Wednesday and Friday: A compendium (required reading) will be distributed and is also available on the web-pages.
- Check the last update of the LabWeek schedules (below)
- Lab texts (in Norwegian only) are now available on the web. These must be read before the labs begin. For the English-speking students (Eva and Patrick)- please contact me for a short description of the lab texts.
- Lab. reports are due latest Wed. Nov. 26.
- The cancelled lecture in MRI is now scheduled for Friday Nov. 21 at 1015 - 1200, ?467.
- Wishing list for selected issues to be subject for a short repetition on Wed. Nov 26, 1015-1200 in LilleFy. Please send me an e-mail (einarsa at with your suggestions.
Here is the final List of Participants to the different labs.
The results from the Mid-term exam can be downloaded here
The schedule for the labs in week 47 can be downloaded here
Registration of students to the various groups will take place during the lecture on Friday, 31/10.
REMEMBER: Oblig 2 will be available for download tomorrow at noon from the "Detaljert undervisningsplan"-page.
A complete and comprehensive curriculum for FYS3710 - both required and recommended reading - may be downloaded here
During the lecture today, the 13 students present finished a short evaluation report for the course. A very short summary of the answers and comments made (all in Norwegian, only) may be read here
There was a question about the correct answer to problem 3h in the midterm-exam. Please consult a complete description of the problem here showing that alternative 2 was the correct answer. :-)
Answers for the midterm-exam are posted here
At todays NMR lecture, it was agreed that on Wed. Oct. 08 at 1015 in LilleFy aud, I will give a short repetition om molecular electronic structure and hybridization theory.
Also please notify that the subjects for the two last lectures, EPR/NMR and cwNMR, are not relevant subjects for the midtermexam.
A set of exams from the last 5 years + a complete set of answers may be downloaded here
These are in Norwegian only. Please contact Einar for help and copies of a few exams in English.
See the link 'Detaljert undervisningsplan' for info on more downloads for the various lectures coming up.
Velkommen til FYS 3710 h?stsemesteret 2008!
F?rste forelesning vil finne sted onsdag 20. august kl 1015 - 1200 i Lille Fysiske Auditorium. P? denne forelesningen vil all n?dvendig informasjon om kurset bli gitt,samt informasjon om det lesestoffet som vil utgj?re det formelle pensum for kurset. De f?rste kompendiene vil bli delt ut p? denne forelesningen, og kan ogs? f?es direkte fra foreleser senere.
Forelesningene vil avholdes p? engelsk.
Welcome to FYS 3710 fall term 2008!
The first lecture vil take place on Wed, Aug. 20 at 1015 - 1200 in Lille Fysiske Auditorium - located at 2. floor in the Physics Building, west wing. During this lecture, all necessary information about the course will be given, including information about the written material to be considered as the formal required reading for the course. The first compendia will be distributed during the lecture and may also be obtai...