
Publisert 19. des. 2004 01:00
  • Sensurliste for FYS 3710 H?stsemesteret 2004 f?r ved ? klikke p? linken.
  • A list of final marks for FYS 3710 fall term 2004 is avaiulable by clicking the link.

Det vil bli kontinuasjonseksamen 6 eller 7 januar 2005 for de som har str?ket, eller har gyldig frav?r under den ordin?re slutteksamen. Deltakelse her krever p?melding, siste p?meldingsfrist (StudentWeb) er 3. januar. Tid og sted vil bli offentliggjort senere

There will be arranged a new exam for those failing in the ordinary exam + for those that did not meet at the ordinary exam due to formally acceptable reasons.The date for this new exam will be Jan. 6 or 7, 2005. For participation at the new exam signing up (StudentWeb)is required, deadline Jan...

Publisert 10. nov. 2004 01:00

  • A small kompendium in Photobiophysics was distributed at today's lecture in FYS 3710. For those of you that have not yet got this kompendium, please contact Einar.

Publisert 22. okt. 2004 02:00

  • A schedule for the different labs has now been established, and some students have already signed up. For the rest of the students, please send Einar an e-mail about preferences for lab-days.

Publisert 7. okt. 2004 02:00

  • Following a tip from one of the students, for a course FRM 1110 a power-point pres