
Publisert 21. mai 2017 15:43

We finished Chapter 13 and Chapter 14 last week. See the slides presented for the exact content and the material to be part of the final exam. 

By now proposed hints to solution to the 2 compulsory projects, as well as last year's written exam, have been distributed. Links to oral exams from 2015 and 2014 are added to the course web page.

The session on Monday 22.5 (and possibly one hour on Tuesday 23.5) will be devoted to questions and answers. I will be available in the lecture room. 

As always you are welcome to contact me through email.

Good luck everybody! 

Publisert 8. mai 2017 10:07

Today I will cover some Outstanding questions in the Standard Model and present some future prospects, covering parts of chapter 13.

This will be followed by Chapter 14 - fundamental aspects of nuclear interactions, including heavy ion physics.

All submitted compulsory projects 2 are approved. Proposed solutions will be distributed as soon as possible. 

The last session before the exam will be devoted to questions and answers. 

Publisert 27. apr. 2017 12:25

Have a look at the the material shown during the CERN visit 

In particular, some of the lectures give complementary information to the lecture and should be looked at: Particle physics, Heavy ion physics, nuclear physics,  accelerators, ... where you can also find lists of possible Master Projects,...

Publisert 2. apr. 2017 10:59


Upon arriving at CERN, please go to reception (building 33) to pick up your entry pass during opening hours. Passport or other identity card required.

Go through the agenda page for any further details about the access to CERN, the hotel, the program, ...

Mobile phone contact in case: +47 94861474 

Have a nice trip.

Publisert 30. mars 2017 19:25

Obligatory assignment 1 is accepted / approved for all people who delivered it. Please, go carefully through the comments I made. I will finalise the feedback and distribute/send the corrected copies to you.

Obligatory assignment 2 as we discussed during the last lecture I extend the deadline to the 24.4. However, in order to be able to correct them quickly enough, please deliver them as soon as you are done with them.

Good luck

Publisert 27. mars 2017 19:40

To be delivered by the 24.4.2017 @ 14:15 per email (pdf), or at the secretariat (ekspedisjon), or handed to me at the beginning of the class. Read carefully first and report any mistakes or ambiguities. 

If needed, make use of the sessions on 10.4 and 11.4, which are thus free of teaching (Easter week). 

Publisert 26. feb. 2017 18:48

To be delivered by the 10.3.2017 @ 12:15 per email (pdf), or at the secretariat (ekspedisjon), or handed to me at the beginning of the class. Read carefully first and report any mistakes or ambiguities. 

Publisert 9. feb. 2017 12:57

As a follow-up of the previous message, please register now and book your flight as soon as possible!! 

Email in case of further information...

Publisert 7. feb. 2017 13:44

Here is the link to the (preliminary) agenda of the CERN visit. Please register to the event as soon as possible by following the link "Register".

In particular: Upon arriving at CERN, please go to reception (building 33) to pick up your entry pass during opening hours. Passport or other identity card required.

A few flats have been pre-booked at Saint-Genis (France) ~2 km from CERN.

Travel days: Monday - Friday with flexibility to arrive earlier and leave later. The programme starts early Tuesday and  finishes ~12 on Friday. 

You are asked to arrange for the travel yourself. Accommodation (Monday-Friday) will be covered for students following this course. 

Any further details are available on the agenda page or on request. 

Publisert 23. jan. 2017 11:57

Starting from tomorrow - Tuesday January 24 - the lecture will take place from 14:15 - 16.00 in the auditorium "lille fys ?st".

Please, get in touch with the student administration in case of problems.