
Publisert 11. mars 2012 16:04

Dear All,

as agreed earlier, the examination is taking place during the 15-16/3 at room 3202 at Kristen Nygaards hus (known also as IFI-1 or Informatikkbygningen). The directions kan be found at

Best regards, Andrej.

Publisert 27. feb. 2012 08:33

Dear All, during weeks 9 and 10 we will study properties of semiconductors, metals, p-n, and Schottky junctions in some further detials. This material corresponds to Kittel's Chapters 8 and 9 and 17.

Publisert 12. feb. 2012 15:25

Dear All, during weeks 7 and 8 we will work with want I call Module 3 of the course and it will be devoted to "electrons and energy bands" corresponding to Kittel's Chapters 6 and 7 and Appendix D.

Publisert 1. feb. 2012 11:12

FYI, and in accordance with our preliminary agreement, the final exam for the spring 2012 FYS3410 run is scheduled for the 15-16/3. In a very near future I will circulate a list for you to sing for the exam. Note, this list is only for our privite use onle to organize the examination flow and you still have to do all formal registrations via the Student Office or via the web.

Publisert 30. jan. 2012 09:42

Thanks for making an effort in Module 1 - which was sort of an introduction to the course - and welcome to Module 2 to be devote to studies of "lattice thermal properties" corresponding to Kittel's Chapters 4 and 5 which we deal with during weeks 5 and 6.

Publisert 19. jan. 2012 10:44

Note, the delivery of the solutions to the obligatory excercises is made to the Reception Office of the Dept of Physics. There is a box there marked as FYS3410. Please state you candidate number ONLY, without disclosing your name.

Publisert 19. jan. 2012 10:40

Thanks for encouraging interest, questions, and attendence of the lectures. As you know, the first two weeks of the course we are going through what we call Module 1, which correspond to Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 20 of Kittel's book.

Publisert 12. jan. 2012 14:35

B?sta FYS3410 2012-deltagare !

Gott Nytt Ar og v?lkomna till UiOs faste stoffers fysik kurs!

I ?r ges kursen i form av en intensivkurs og syftet er att kunna vara f?rdigt med alla kursmoment inclusive eksamineringen redan innan p?sk. Kursenspensum er relativt omfatande men kan med f?rdel struktureras i moduler:

Modul 1: Introduktion av krystallgitter mha R?ntgen diffraktion; defekter, diffusion og elestiska egenskaper i periodiska krystaller (5 f?rel?sningar); Modul 2: Termiska egenskaper av krystallgitter (5 f?rel?sningar); Modul 3: Termiska og elektriska egenskaper av free electron Fermi gas ; introduktion av energib?ndteori (5 f?rel?sningar); Modul 4: Applikationer av energib?ndterori - fokus p? halvledare (5 f?rel?sningar).

Varje modul undervissas i tv? uker og inneh?ller: (i) dagliga forelasningar i forste uke, (ii) synkroniserat gruppeundervisning og (iii) leverering av l?sningar till obligatoriske oppgaver

Man forvantas att leverera 4 obli...