
Publisert 23. mai 2011 11:28

In order to learn the place of your FYS3410 examination a bit in advance I would like to suggest to have our "repetition" meeting scheduled for the 23/5 at to take place at the MiNalab too. Since some of you may need to go by foot from the Physics Building after a lecture earlier in the morning, I may suggest to delay the start of our meeting to 10.25 but trust we still finish by noon.

Publisert 19. mai 2011 13:04

The final examination in FYS3410 is going to take place at the Micro- and Nanotechnology Laboratoty (MiNaLab) at the Gaustad-part of the UiO-campus. The street address to the MinaLab is Gaustadallen 23c, 0373 Oslo. The directions may be found, for instance, using a map at the UiO server: The reason for not having our examination in the Physics Building is because of a dificultty to book a room during the period when classes are not yet finished in other courses. The examination will take place at UiOs meeting room at the 3rd flour (entrance flour from the side of Gaustadalleen). You will be also offered a room where you may be when preparing your answer. Free hot drinks are going to be offered as a compensation to come to a new place.

Publisert 11. mai 2011 19:36

During week 20 (calendar week) we study surface/interface properties of materials (Chapters 21, during Monday the 16/5) as well as metals and Fermi surfaces (Chapter 9, during Wednesday the 18/5). The exercise session on Thursday the 19/5 is going to cover both topics. Week 21 is devoted to the repetition/examination.

Publisert 11. mai 2011 12:17

FYI, all students who informed me on their intention to make the examination in FYS3410 got a time slot during the 26-27/5 to do that (see the actual times in the course homepage). In case you have not been allocated a time and you still want to come to the examination, please inform me - preferably via email - asap.

Publisert 11. mai 2011 12:14

During week 19 (calender week) we study semiconductor properties of solids which corresponds to Chapter 8 in Kittel's book. Lecture notes (available on the course wesite) may be used for more specific analysis.

Publisert 27. apr. 2011 10:00

Trust you all have had nice Easter holidays. Let me please informing you that during the week 17 (calender week) we continue studing Energy Bands which corresponds to Chapter 7 of Kittel's book. Note, there will be no lectures during week 18 but you are welcome to participate in the exercise sission on the 5/5 which will repapitulate exercises on the enegry band topic.

Publisert 5. apr. 2011 11:27

Thanks for comming to the midterm examination in FYS3410 last week - altogether 17 students delivered their answers - the results are going to be announced at the asap-basis.

During week 14 (calendar week) we start with studing "electrical" properties of electrons in terms of Drude and FEFG models (s.147-156 of Kittel book) and continue with introducing the energy band concept (Chapter 7 of Kittel book) which is going to be our main topic during week 15 too.

Publisert 23. mars 2011 10:54

There are only few days left before the midterm examination on the 28/3 and I would like to clarify - I did it already during lectures - what part of the course syllabus is included in the midtem examination. In terms of Kittel book, the following parts are included: Chapters 1-5, 20 in full, Chapter 6 until p.147, and Appendix D. In other words we include structural and thermal phenomena/properties of periodic solids, specifically: x-ray diffraction and reciprocal space, crystal binding, point defect and diffusion, lattice vibrations and phonons, density of states in terms of Born-von-Karman boundury conditions, phonon-related heat capacitance and thermal conductivity, concept of free electron Fermi gas (FEFG) in ground state, FEFG at T>0, heat capacity of FEFG.

Good luck with the examination!

Publisert 14. mars 2011 09:25

During week 11(calender week) a concept of Free Electron Fermi Gas (FEFG) is introduced based on Chapter 6 (pp.133-147) and Appendix D of Kittel's book. Taking into account that we are facing our midterm examination (scheduled for the 28/3), let me propose to devote our time during week 12 (calender week) to repetitions of the material studied in the course so far.

Publisert 20. feb. 2011 21:03

FYI, during week 8 and 9 (calender weeks) we discuss the heat capacity of phonon gas and then the effects of anharmonic lattice interactions on the phonons and on the crystal. This material corresponds to Chapter 5 in Kittel's book.

Publisert 16. feb. 2011 11:21

Let me please reminding you that during week 7 - calender week - and specifically during the lectures on the 14/2 and the 16/2 we study vibrational properties of one dimentional lattices which corresponds mainly to Chapter 4 in Kittel's book. The main outcome is supposed to be in initial understanding of the collective vibration concept in solids - phonons. If time allows we will start talking about classical heat capacity models in solids which - in its turn - going to be the main topic during week 8.

Publisert 2. feb. 2011 12:29

During the lecture on the 2/2 we study the material corresponding to that in Chapter 3 in Kittel's book while during week 6, in addition to a repetition of "elastic waves", we will investigate defect and diffusion phenomena in crystals which are covered in Chapters 20 and 21 in Kittel's book to some extend.

Publisert 25. jan. 2011 17:03

Thanks for everyone for encouraging attandance of the lectures and please try to make it better in respect with attending the problem-solving sessions on Thursdays too. Note, at the lecture, during weeks 3, 4 and partly 5 - calendar weeks - we study the material described in Kittel's Chapters 1 and 2.

Publisert 6. jan. 2011 10:02

Hei og velkomne till FYS3410 v?r 2011!!

Notera att den f?rste f?relasningen i kursen kommer p? onsdag den 19/1.

MVH, Andrej Kuznetsov