
Published Mar. 3, 2025 9:16 PM

Dear all, welcome back to FYS5419/9419. The plans this week are 

  1. Reminder on basics of the VQE method and how to perform measurements for the simpler one- and two-qubit Hamiltonians

  2. Simulating efficiently Hamiltonians on quantum computers with the VQE method and gradient descent to optimize the state function ansatz

  3. Introducing the Lipkin model, our final model for project 1

  4. For the exercise session, we continue to work on project 1

As reading suggestions we recommend

  1. For the discussion of one-qubit, two-qubit and other gates, sections 2.6-2.11 and 3.1-3.4 of Hundt's book Quantum Computing for Programmers, contain most of the relevant information. 

  2. The VQE algorithm is discussed in Hundt's section 6.11

  3.  See the review of Till...
Published Feb. 24, 2025 1:48 PM

Dear all, welcome back to FYS5419/9419.  We hope you've had a great weekend, irrespective of the not optimal weather!

The plan this week is to discuss in detail the introduction and implementation of the VQE algorithm for a the one-qubit Hamiltonian of project 1 and prepare for the solution of the two-qubit Hamiltonian of the project 1.  We will discuss strategies and implementations as well as how to rewrite a given Hamiltonian in terms of various gates and transformations.  Next week we will also introduce a more realistic Hamiltonian and express again the Hamiltonian in terms of various Pauli matrices.

Plans for the week of February 24-28, Solving quantum mechanical problems

  1. Repetition from last week on gates, measurements and one-qubit systems

  2. Introducing the Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) a...

Published Feb. 17, 2025 2:01 PM

Dear all, welcome back to FYS5419/9419. We hope you've all had a great weekend.

The plans for this week (see lecture notes either as PDF or jupyter-notebook at


The first part of the lecture will focus

  1. Review from last week, one-qubit gates and one-qubit Hamiltonian (using slides from last week)

  2. Reminder and review of density matrices and measurements from week 2

  3. Schmidt decomposition and entanglement

  4. Discussion of entropies, classical information entropy (Shannon entropy) and von Neumann entropy

The second part focuses on

  1. Two-qubit Hamiltonians...

Published Feb. 11, 2025 11:54 PM

Dear all, welcome back to FYS5419/9419. 

The lecture notes for this week are at (jupyter-notebook or PDF formats)

This week (note changes from original plan)  we plan to discuss

  1. Reminder from last week on gates and circuits

  2. One-qubit and two-qubit gates, background and realizations

  3. Simple Hamiltonian systems of relevance for project


  1. For the discussion of one-qubit, two-qubit and other gates, sections 2.6-2.11 and 3.1-3.4 of Hundt's book Quantum Computing for Programmers, contain most of the relevant information.
Published Feb. 5, 2025 4:27 AM

Dear all, this week we will spend time only on exercises and in particular the first exercise in project 1.

There is thus no lecture, only work on exercises and project 1.  We recommend taking a look at the jupyter-notebook for week 3, see to an external site.

There we discuss how one can use qiskit to test the Bell states. Furthermore, the jupyter-notebook contains material about the most common gates.

We will discuss in more detail the physical meaning of these gate operations next week. This week we will simply define them and use them in studies of the Bell states.

The first exercise in project 1 deals thus with setting up your own cod...

Published Jan. 28, 2025 9:32 PM

We have changed the zoom link to

This will be our link for the rest of the semester.

Published Jan. 28, 2025 9:22 PM

Dear all, welcome back. We hope you've had a great start of the week. With this mail we'd like to give you an overview of these week's plans, with exercises and links to possible reading recommendations.

We will start with a review from last week and then move to these week's topics. That is:

Summary from last week and plans for this week

Last week we:

  1. defined the state vector and the associated notation

  2. introduced the inner product and showed how to calculate it in an orthonormal basis

  3. introduced outer products and projection operators

  4. introduced tensor products and showed how to construct state vectors for multiple qubits

  5. introduced the spectral decomposition of operators

This we...

Published Dec. 2, 2024 7:53 AM

Dear all, first a great welcome to FYS5419/9419 and thx so much for having chosen the course. 

All educational material is available via the GitHub repository at
Furthermore, for those of you who cannot be there physically, you can attend the lectures via zoom. The link will be communicated before the semester starts. All lectures will be recorded.

Permanent Zoom link for the whole semester is, Meeting ID: 937 7383 0103

The first part of the course (project 1 and till mid march) has its focus on studies of quantum-mechanical many-particle systems using quantum computing

algorithms and quantum computers. The second part is optional and depends on the interests and backgrounds of the participants. Two main

themes can be covered:

- Quantum machine learning algorithms, implementations and stu...