Plans for the week of March 3-7
Dear all, welcome back to FYS5419/9419. The plans this week are
Reminder on basics of the VQE method and how to perform measurements for the simpler one- and two-qubit Hamiltonians
Simulating efficiently Hamiltonians on quantum computers with the VQE method and gradient descent to optimize the state function ansatz
Introducing the Lipkin model, our final model for project 1
For the exercise session, we continue to work on project 1
As reading suggestions we recommend
For the discussion of one-qubit, two-qubit and other gates, sections 2.6-2.11 and 3.1-3.4 of Hundt's book Quantum Computing for Programmers, contain most of the relevant information.
The VQE algorithm is discussed in Hundt's section 6.11
- See the review of Tilly et al at
Note that for the set up of your Hamiltonians and measurements, we strongly encourage you to write your own code and perform the measurements of the specific parts of the Hamiltonian operators. you can use fex Qiskit, Pennylane, Qbraid and similar libraries to compare your code with the outcome of these libraries. You will not get a full score if you these libriaries.
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to ask. This week's jupyter-notebook (we recommend using the notebook) is at
Best wishes to you all,
Morten and Odin