Semesterside for FYS5120 - V?r 2024


Hi all,

the oral results of todays exam are as follows:

15801: A

15803: A (+)

15804: C (+)

15805: C

Counting as 60%, this combines with the written exam to a final grade of 

15801: B

15803: A

15804: C 

15805: D

Well done, everyone -- and thanks a lot for actively contributing to the course!!

Torsten & Chris

3. juni 2024 21:16

The midterm exams have now been corrected. Here you can find a detailed breakdown of the points, along with the grade that you would have obtained if this was the final exam. Note that the midterm only enters as 40% in the final grade. If, for example, you received a week C now, you can still get an overall B with a 'good B' (or better) in the oral exam.

Let me know if anything is unclear about the point distribution -- but please make sure to take a look at the detailed grading instructions (and solutions) before.

9. apr. 2024 16:47

...due to a faculty event that I have to attend. 

7. apr. 2024 16:16