Beskjeder - Side 2

Publisert 16. sep. 2021 17:47

Hi all,

As promised, we've started adding some code snippets at the bottom of the Project 2 page. So keep an eye on that -- more might come later.

Also, since we've been talking much about algorithm complexity lately, you might be interested in reading this pop-sci article from Quanta Magazine back in March, discussing cutting-edge research on matrix multiplication.

Publisert 16. sep. 2021 02:07

Hi all,

The problem set for Project 2 is now published here. Apologies for this coming out a bit later than anticipated. Also, there are still some small updates to come over the next couple of days (code snippets, etc.), so pay attention to the project page.

The deadline is Monday 27 September, at 23:59.

Good luck!


Publisert 13. sep. 2021 11:34

Hi all,

We hope the work with finishing project 1 is going well! We are receiving a few questions from people struggling to finish the project on time, so here are some messages to everyone regarding these things:

  • The deadlines in this course are strict, and we will in general not grant individual deadline extensions or second attempts. (The exception is in the case of illness, etc.) This is to ensure fair treatment of everyone in a course with many students, and to make sure that we keep up with the tight schedule of the course.
  • However, we will not be too strict when assessing project 1, given that it's the first encounter with C++ and many will have had significant technical challenges with getting everything running.
  • So, you should deliver what you have on time, even if your results are incomplete / look wrong. But if you know that your results must b...
Publisert 10. sep. 2021 15:09

Hi all,

In the lecture today I mentioned that, if time, I wanted to discuss a short code structure example. Well, we ran out of time, but I've put the example on the GitHub repo here, along with a README.txt file that explains the point of this example.

We will discuss code structure much more when we start writing object oriented code, but already now it can be useful to see some examples of how you can structure your code to avoid too much code repetition.


Publisert 6. sep. 2021 16:22

Hi all,

Here are some important messages regarding Project 1:

  • The deadline is 23:59 on Monday, September 13. Note that the project deadlines are hard deadlines.
  • To ease the logistics for us doing the grading, you are required to deliver as a Canvas group -- even if you are working alone, in which case you will simply be a one-person group on Canvas. We have created 60 empty groups on Canvas, named "gruppe 1" to "gruppe 60". You find these via the page "Personer". So just pick an available group (it doesn't matter which number) and join that group together with those you work with.

    Note to those who have already created their own "student group" on Canvas:
    To be able to deliver Project 1 you will have to instead join one of the 60 groups mentioned above. You may of course still keep your student group on Canvas if you use it to collabor...
Publisert 2. sep. 2021 11:30

Hi all,
The AV system in Store Fy was down this morning, so I couldn't record the lecture from 08:15--10:00 today (September 2). However, this lecture was anyway purely blackboard-based, and I've uploaded my detailed lecture notes which contains everything I wrote and discussed today. You find the download link in the schedule.

(The AV system has been reset so should work again tomorrow.)

Publisert 2. sep. 2021 11:15

Hi all,
Below are the planned deadlines for all five projects. Note that all deadlines are subject to change, so keep an eye on this page.

  • Project 1: September 13
  • Project 2: September 27
  • Project 3: October 25
  • Project 4: November 22
  • Project 5: December 13
Publisert 29. aug. 2021 19:06

There is now an additional video recording (dated 29. Aug.) for the first lecture. This is just a summary lecture for those that couldn't attend the first lecture physically, since the original lecture recording is without sound. 

Publisert 29. aug. 2021 13:30

Hi all,

Unfortunately the sound recording did not work for the introduction lecture (Thursday 26. Aug). So I will record a short summary of that lecture and upload that as an alternative for those who couldn't attend the first lecture physically. I will post a new message when this recording is ready.

The video from Friday's lecture has sound, but the volume is a bit low. I'll make sure to crank up the microphone volume for future lectures.

Links to the recorded lectures are posted directly in the Schedule (timeplan) entry for the given lecture. (Login required to access the video.)

Publisert 26. aug. 2021 12:31

The connection details for the digital lab sessions (Thursdays 16:15--18:00 and Fridays 10:15--12:00) can be found via the Schedule (Timeplan) page.

Publisert 25. aug. 2021 14:12

Dear all,

Welcome to this course on computational physics -- we look forward to meeting you all! Here's some practical info:

  • There are four hours of lectures and two hours of lab session per week.
  • There are five obligatory assignments in the course: Two problem sets (must be passed), and then three projects (each counting 1/3 of the final grade). For simplicity we will refer to these five assignments simply as "project 1" to "project 5", even though only projects 3--5 are projects in the true sense of the word.
  • Lectures are Thursday 08:15--10:00 and Friday 08:15--10:00, in Store fysiske auditorium.
  • All lectures will be recorded and made available (to registered students) on these web pages -- check the schedule page for the link to a given lecture recording. Hopefully the videos will be ready later the same day as the...