
Publisert 26. nov. 2004 01:00

The exam will be held in the student reading room on the 4th floor in the Physics department on December 3rd from 0900 to 1200. Good luck!

Publisert 24. nov. 2004 01:00

Old exam problems can be downladed at

Publisert 2. nov. 2004 01:00

Home exam II can now be downloaded. Home exam II

Publisert 12. sep. 2004 02:00

The home exam problems can now be downloaded!exam1.pdf

Publisert 8. sep. 2004 02:00

The first take-home exam will be handed out at the lecture on Monday September 13. However, if you want to get an early start, it will be possible to download it at from Sunday evening. You should hand in your solution by midnight on Friday the 24th of September, preferably by email.