
Publisert 22. nov. 2005 16:31

Week 48: Lectures: Sections 9.6-7, Tutorials: remaining quiz chapter 9 and final exams 2003 and 2004 found here03 and here04

Publisert 20. nov. 2005 22:59

Week 47: Take home exam with revised deadline 28/11 is found here

Publisert 14. nov. 2005 09:16

Week 46: Lectures: Sections 5.5-5.9.1, Tutorials: Quiz 4.40-43, 5.1-6 Week 47-48: Lectures: Sections 9.1-2,4-7 Take-home exam week 47, text available 17/11, deadline 24/11

Publisert 3. nov. 2005 15:28

Week 45: Lectures: Sections 5.1-4, Tutorials: Quiz 4.22,35-38,40-42

Publisert 3. nov. 2005 15:25

Week 44: Lectures: Section 4.13. Because of absence the three 20 min student lectures will be scheduled for Week 45

Publisert 1. nov. 2005 12:49

Astrofysisk Fagutvalg (AFU) innkaller til Generalforsamling for studentene ved Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk. Les mer om dette her

Tid: Tirsdag 15. november 2005, kl 16.15 Sted: Peisestua (rom 304), ITA

Publisert 21. okt. 2005 16:36

Week 43: Forbered individuelle foredrag av lengde 20 min til torsdag 3. november over de tre temaer som er gitt here Loddtrekning ga Christine tema III, Marte tema I, Refiz tema II.

Publisert 13. okt. 2005 15:44

Week 42: Lectures: Sections 4.11-12, Tutorials: Quiz 4.25-29, 32-34

Publisert 29. sep. 2005 10:04

Week 40: Lectures: Sections 4.9-11, Tutorials: Quiz: 4.16-21

Publisert 22. sep. 2005 15:48

Week 39: Lectures: Sections 4.6-9, Tutorials: Quiz 4.1-3, 8, 10-12

Publisert 14. sep. 2005 10:51

Week 38 Lectures: Sections 4.1-4, Tutorials: Quiz 3.6, 3.8-9, 3.11-13 and here

Publisert 8. sep. 2005 13:51

Week 37 Lectures: Sections 3.4, 4.1-2, Tutorials: Quiz 3.1,3.3-6,3.8-9

Publisert 2. sep. 2005 16:17

Week 36 Lectures: Sections 3.2-3.4, Tutorials: Quiz 2.8-13,15-17

Publisert 23. aug. 2005 16:15

Week 35 Lectures: Sections 2.6-3.3, Tutorials: Quiz 2.1-12

Publisert 23. aug. 2005 13:34

Week 34 Lectures: Sections 2.1-2.5