There are no more lectures on Fridays - only individual supervision according to the separate schedule Tuesdays-Thursdays.
Souvik's Github repository for the AST5210 exercises is
I have made some reference papers available from the "timeplan": The Scharmer 1981 paper on his approximate operator, Rybicki & Hummer 1991 on their operator (both links in the pensum column for February 5), a classical paper on contribution functions and response functions by Magain 1986 and a paper on the non-LTE abundance determination of Lithium (Carlsson et al 1994) (the two last links in the pensum column of February 12).
Until further notice, all teaching will be digital at the same zoom link (same as before)
Lecture Friday January 29 12:15-14:00 is digital at zoom link:
All lecture slides (and some more) are in the following pdf-document
The first lecture, Friday January 15th 10:15-12:00, is digital at zoom link