Term projects for AST5210
Optimized grid for 1D radiative transfer (Elias Udn?s)
Formation of the IRIS OI and CI lines
in a flare (Aditi Bhatnagar)
Averaging of a 3D model atmosphere (Ilse
Formation of the Mg II h&k lines in
various solar features (Jonas Faber)
Formation of activity indicators in 3D model atmospheres (Sneha Pandit)
Spectral changes during a flare on an M-star (Elena Mamonova)
Formation of molecular lines in the solar atmosphere (Marte Wegger)
Formation of the Ca II K line
(Mats-Ola Sand)
Optically thick boundary
(Ida Risnes Hansen)
Identifying candidate models for transition
region features from chromospheric inversions (Souvik Bose)
Shock propagation and ALMA diagnostics
(Henrik Eklund)
Formation of the hydrogen n=30 alpha line (Marius Beckman Pran)
Numerical simulation of beam heating - beam
parameters and diagnostics (Helle Bakke)
Numerical simulation of beam heating -
dependency on the initial atmosphere (Lars Frogner)
Numerical simulation of acoustic waves
(Tiffany Chamandy)
Contents of Report
The report should be written in the format of a scientific paper using latex in Astronomy & Astrophysics journal style and bibtex.
1. Introduction
Give an introduction on the background for the project. Goals, Previous work (with references to the litterature).
2. Methods
Short description of the used methods (Radiation hydrodynamics or NLTE), code (RADYN, MULTI or RH). Description of the atomic models and atmospheric models. Give some figures showing the atmospheric and atomic models.
3. Results
Describe the results. Use figures. Remember labels on the axes and units (e.g. Wavelength (nm)).
4. Discussion and Conclusion
Discussion of assumptions/errors. How did the project answer the questions set up in the introduction?