
Published May 22, 2018 12:44 PM

Submission deadline: 24 May 24 11:00

The term paper must be submitted in Fronter by 11:00 on 24 May 2018. The Fronter room closes promptly and automatically, so we recommend that you submit ahead of the deadline.

Before you submit your assignment, make sure that you have read and understood the University's information about cheating and use of sources and citations. 
We strongly recommend that you read this ahead of the deadline, so that you may ensure that your submission meets the University's standards.

Your term paper MUST list your candidate number on the front page. Do not include your name anywhere on the term paper.
Your c...

Published May 2, 2018 3:23 PM

Dear people in Internet, Self and Society,

welcome to our last session, tomorrow (03/05/2018) between 2 and 5pm. I will have one more go at explaining "communicative capitalism" (LOL...) before we will round off with presentations by Benedicte (on Gibbs et al., 2015), Marissa (on Fuller et al, 2013) and Karl Anders (on Coleman, 2017). Please, prepare these texts carefully!

Otherwise, I promised to launch a Doodle for the one-to-one tutorials. However, there are so many holidays coming our way in May (and funnily they all fall on Thursdays) that I think it better to look at the calendar together tomorrow in order to find a day or two that fit all.

Looking forward!


Published Mar. 23, 2018 4:22 PM

Dear all in Internet, Self and Society,

thanks for an enjoyable session yesterday (22/03)! Before I let you have your Easter holidays, let me give you some information about April: The Doodle vote resulted in our extra session taking place Friday morning, 20 April 2018, from 9:00 to 12:00. That means we will take our next sessions in the following sequence and on the following days: Session: "Rules, interactions, institutions, performances" (originally scheduled for April 12) on Thursday, April 19, 2018, from 2:00 pm. Session "Politics part I" (originally scheduled for April 19) on Friday, April 20, from 9:00.

On Thursday we will have presentations by Layao Han on Hogan (2010); Bimala on Tiidenberg and Cruz (2015) and Thea on van Dijck (2013).

On Friday we will hear Rebecca talk about Hartley (2010) and Huilin Shi about Chadwick et al. (2016). Please prepare these texts carefully so that we can have a good discussion!

And one...

Published Mar. 19, 2018 10:20 AM

Dear all in Internet, Self and Society,

thanks for a fine session last Thursday!... and welcome to coming Thursday's session!

We will have three presentations this time: QiuLei Wang will present Balick (2014), Elisabeth Berli will present Vera King (2016) and Koubang Mbilase Enyam will present David and Cambre (2016). Please do prepare these texts carefully, so that we can discuss them properly! Concerning the other texts, boyd and Marwick's (2014) concept of "Networked Privacy" is very important, too.

Furthermore, I have sent you a mail with a couple of articles attached that I promised to supply for later sessions! Please, check your inbox!

With all best wishes,



Published Mar. 15, 2018 11:21 AM

Dearest students in Internet, Self and Society,

I am afraid, I will have to shift one of our dates. I will not be in Oslo on April 12. Therefore, we will have to move this session to either Tuesday, 17/04 (before or after noon) or Friday, 20/04 (before or after noon) the week after. I have sent a doodle-link to your uni-mail-addresses. Please follow this link to vote for an alternative date!

With apologies for the inconvenience and many thanks for being flexible!

All best wishes,


Published Mar. 12, 2018 11:25 AM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society,

this coming Thursday, 15/03/2018, we will have two presentations: Mzia Popova will present Mel Stanfill's "The Interface as Discourse" (2015) and Annabel Yeseul Ha will present Gillespie's "The Politics of Platforms" (2010). Please read these texts carefully and also take a good look at the other texts on the curriculum for Thursday!

Looking forward to seeing you!

All best,


Published Mar. 2, 2018 11:28 AM

Dear people in Internet, Self and Society,

thanks for a fine session yesterday (01/03/2018)!

I have just sent you an email with the updated student-presentation sheet. As said yesterday, I want everybody to become involved in one presentation of a curriculum text (btw. 10 and 12 mins). There are still two empty slots (15/03/2018: Mejias (2010) + 19/04/2018: Chadwick et al. (2016)) - first come, first served; people without a presentation yet will have to join those who have one. I would like for you to organise such teams yourselves!

Next week Thursday, we will start looking into theories on how online life impacts the self/subjectivity and its formation. We will have presentations of the Turkle and the Baym text (Claudia and Tugba). Please also have a look at the other texts, especially Danah Boyd and Bakardjieva and Gaden!

Also, please start thinking a little about your term paper topics (which, if you wish, we can discuss after our Thursday...

Published Feb. 12, 2018 1:26 PM

Dear students,

life is what happens while you are busy making other plans...

I am back at IMK, have gone through my/your mails and have revised our schedule ( together with the list of presentations. The list of presentations you will find attached to the latest mail I sent you: please, check if you and your chosen presentation are on it. And please do also check that the new dates still fit you and your plans!

Those who have not signed up for a presentation, please have a look at the list and then send me a mail with a selection of three curriculum texts of which you would like to present and discuss one in class (i.e. 1st choice, 2nd and 3rd choice), or approach me after our next session (which is on March 1) and I will try and figure something out!

Where there are already three presentations for one session it is possible to team up with somebody else and do a joint presen...

Published Feb. 6, 2018 7:36 PM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society,

I am afraid, I will have to cancel the upcoming session (08/02/2018) as well. I am still in Germany sorting through family affairs. I will reschedule the canceled sessions and will get back to you with a revised time table as soon as possible.

Very sorry for the inconvenience,


Published Jan. 31, 2018 12:37 AM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society,

I am afraid, I will have to cancel our forthcoming session, Thursday, 01/02/2018. A close family member died on Monday and I had to go to Germany today (Tuesday). I am afraid, all sessions will have to be pushed back once more and I will try to find an additional date later in the term.  I will keep you informed about the coming sessions as soon as possible.

With apologies and best wishes,


Published Jan. 26, 2018 10:54 AM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society,

thanks for a fine start to the course yesterday!

Re: student presentations of course texts: I have send out a mail with an attached document with a preliminary overview of those of yo...

Published Jan. 17, 2018 6:49 PM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society (MEVIT 4616),

I am afraid, I will have to cancel tomorrow's session (Thursday, 18/01/2018). I fell sick yesterday and hoped it would go over in the course of today, but - alas - I am still down with a fever. Let's convene next week and see where we can add the session that we have lost!

And: please, do start reading the course literature!

All best,


Published Jan. 11, 2018 4:06 PM

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society (MEVIT 4616),

a warm welcome to the 2018 spring term! I am very much looking forward to doing the course with you!

Our first meeting will be in exactly one week from today, Thursday, 18/01, at 2 pm, in room 230, which is at Oslo Science park (澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken) on the bottom floor.

Please, find a list with the readings for each session attached to this mail or, alternatively, retrieve it from the online course page and make yourself familiar with the course literature! As you will see, we will start softly, with only one article for our first session, but will pick up speed in subsequent sessions. Please, start reading as early as possible! Some of the texts are a little hard but, ultimately, all of them are rewarding. Most of the texts are articles that you can find online and download through UiO's online library (...