Welcome all!

Dear students in Internet, Self and Society (MEVIT 4616),

a warm welcome to the 2018 spring term! I am very much looking forward to doing the course with you!

Our first meeting will be in exactly one week from today, Thursday, 18/01, at 2 pm, in room 230, which is at Oslo Science park (澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken) on the bottom floor.

Please, find a list with the readings for each session attached to this mail or, alternatively, retrieve it from the online course page and make yourself familiar with the course literature! As you will see, we will start softly, with only one article for our first session, but will pick up speed in subsequent sessions. Please, start reading as early as possible! Some of the texts are a little hard but, ultimately, all of them are rewarding. Most of the texts are articles that you can find online and download through UiO's online library (http://www.ub.uio.no/). Those that are not accessible online I have collected in a reader that you can buy from academica on the Blindern campus.

If you run into problems with anything concerning the course, drop me a line: steff.krueger@gmail.com! Or get in touch with Ingeborg from our administrative staff: i.f.ekdahl@media.uio.no !

Looking forward to seeing y'all next Thursday!

All best,


Published Jan. 11, 2018 4:06 PM - Last modified Jan. 11, 2018 4:06 PM