
Published Oct. 15, 2012 10:53 AM

Take Home Exam 22. - 25. October

The exam questions will be published here on Monday October 22nd. at 10.00 Your exam must be submitted in Fronter ( together with the obligatory statement concerning cheating. The deadline is Thursday October 25. at 14:00.

Please read the following before you start your exam:

Instructions concerning exam submission at IMK

How to submit in Fronter

Obligatory statement concerning cheating

You'll find your candidatenumber in Studentweb.

Elisabeth Staksrud will be available for questions regarding the exam questions Monday 22nd before 12.00. Questions sent to before 12.00 will be answered within the same day.

Good luck!

Published Oct. 11, 2012 1:25 PM

Slides from yesterdays lecture (with references) on Regulation vs Rights have now been uploaded. Enjoy! :) Elisabeth

Published Sep. 25, 2012 11:50 AM

The paper on "Rule of Rose" (Staksrud & Kirks?ther) can be found on Fronter.

Published Sep. 25, 2012 10:57 AM

The workshop on Friday 28th (this week) will be hosted by Charles Ess.

Published Sep. 3, 2012 3:27 PM

For Wednesdays lecture: the report on Social Networking, Age and Privacy (Livingstone, Olaffson and Staksrud, 2011) can be downloaded from here

Published Sep. 3, 2012 3:22 PM

For those who would like to know more: Some useful references related to our work seminar with Prof. Ess Friday:

Strikwerda, L. 2011. Virtual Child Pornography: Why Images Do Harm from a Moral Perspective. Trust and Virtual Worlds: Contemporary Perspectives, 139-161. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Sicart, M. 2009. The Ethics of Computer Games. London/Cambridge: MIT Press

Published Aug. 28, 2012 12:08 PM

NB! Cancellation of lecture 29 August. The lecture on Wednesday 29 August at 12.15 will unfortunately be cancelled due to illness. We are sorry for the inconvenience!

Published Aug. 23, 2012 2:53 PM

Please note that next weeks work seminar will be on "Virtual Ethics" and will be hosted by Charles Ess.

Published Aug. 8, 2012 3:56 PM

Teaching schedule and syllabus have been updated! :)