Take Home Exam 22. - …

Take Home Exam 22. - 25. October

The exam questions will be published here on Monday October 22nd. at 10.00 Your exam must be submitted in Fronter (fronter.uio.no) together with the obligatory statement concerning cheating. The deadline is Thursday October 25. at 14:00.

Please read the following before you start your exam:

Instructions concerning exam submission at IMK

How to submit in Fronter

Obligatory statement concerning cheating

You'll find your candidatenumber in Studentweb.

Elisabeth Staksrud will be available for questions regarding the exam questions Monday 22nd before 12.00. Questions sent to elisabeth.staksrud@media.uio.no before 12.00 will be answered within the same day.

Good luck!

Published Oct. 15, 2012 10:53 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2013 1:14 PM