
Published Apr. 28, 2017 4:58 PM

Submission deadline: May 4th by 11:00

The group assignment must be submitted in Fronter by May 4th, 11:00. The Fronter room closes promptly and automatically, so we recommend that you submit ahead of the deadline.

Before you submit your assignment, make sure that you have read and understood the University's information about cheating and use of sources and citations. 
We strongly recommend that you read this well ahead of the deadline, so that you may ensure that your submission meets the University's standards.


Your submission MUST list the candidate number for each student that contributed to the group assignment on the front page. Do not include your name anywhere on the assignment.
Each stude...

Published Apr. 26, 2017 10:09 AM

Hey. Slides from the summary on Friday is now on Fronter, where you'll find all the previous slides as well. Good luck with the group projects and cramming for the last exam.

Published Feb. 6, 2017 9:11 AM

Hi all,

Please note that the schedule is changes / updated to make room for guest lecture / field trip March 8. 

PRO TIP: subscribe to the schedule to always have the right version directly on your phone / in your calendar program.

Published Jan. 24, 2017 12:00 PM

Hi all!

The course schedule is updated with reading lists (so go right ahead and cram so you'll be up to date). Please note that it is Wednesdays are NOT only devoted to lectures. Likewise, Fridays are not only  for seminars. Both days will be used for both, depending on what I have found best for the progression of the course, and also depending on when guests can visit. 

Updates may occur, if we schedule trips outside of IMK/UiO. More info will follow.

Looking forward to meeting you all February 1st.

Arnt :)

PS. please note that you can 'subscribe' to the schedule in your calendar.

Published Jan. 2, 2017 2:36 PM

Hey and happy new year to you all!

One of the students taking the course this spring just made me aware that the syllabus has not been published yet by the student admin. It is the same as the MA version of the course (found here MEVIT4531) - except for the book The Music Industry by Patrik Wikstr?m, which you don't have to buy.

All in all, the reading list for MEVIT3531 is 719 pages (203 pages shorter than the MA course).

Most of this is online for free from the University network, so go right ahead and download and read! :)


Published Dec. 9, 2016 3:33 PM

This is going to be one of the most exciting courses I have taught! I have already got confirmation from several of the top music business people in Norway to give guest lectures and to provide cases that you will work on. So far, the following have said yes to participate: Kathrine Synnes Finnskog (Executive Director of Music Norway), Kai Rob?le (a leading producer in Norway, music publisher, and board member of TONO), Trond Tornes (Marketing Manager at Phonofile) - and several more are lined up.

The syllabus is challenging and varied, and you'll be able to develop your skills through a varied set of exams - from literature reviews, via case work in groups, to a mixed school exam combining multiple choice and short, open-ended discussions of concepts and theory from the syllabus.

I'm really looking forward to giving you a course you'll learn and grow from - and have fun doing it - and hope to have heterogenous g...