You're in for a treat!

This is going to be one of the most exciting courses I have taught! I have already got confirmation from several of the top music business people in Norway to give guest lectures and to provide cases that you will work on. So far, the following have said yes to participate: Kathrine Synnes Finnskog (Executive Director of Music Norway), Kai Rob?le (a leading producer in Norway, music publisher, and board member of TONO), Trond Tornes (Marketing Manager at Phonofile) – and several more are lined up.

The syllabus is challenging and varied, and you’ll be able to develop your skills through a varied set of exams – from literature reviews, via case work in groups, to a mixed school exam combining multiple choice and short, open-ended discussions of concepts and theory from the syllabus.

I’m really looking forward to giving you a course you’ll learn and grow from – and have fun doing it – and hope to have heterogenous group of students from all over, giving different perspectives on ’nordic trends’ from your own backgrounds.

Have a great holiday season – and see you the 1st of February!


PS. If you have questions: don’t hesitate to contact me at, Tweet at me at @arnte – or send me an SMS at 41420825.

Published Dec. 9, 2016 3:33 PM