
Published Dec. 17, 2007 11:56 AM

Error in exam information

The exam paper may be up to 10 pages not 15 as it says in the information on the exam question page.

Published Nov. 30, 2007 4:30 PM

How to write a home exam

Help and tips for writing a good home exam can be found under "seminar details" to the left on this page.

Information on exam submission at IMK

? The candidate / student number is published on student web approx. 2 weeks ahead of exam. If you experience problems with your candidate number, please contact the IMK reception.

? The exam will be handed out the given exam date from 10.00 a.m. The exam text will also be published on the course's semester web pages.

? The deadline for submitting your exam will be the given date from 12.00 to 14.00. Exams submitted later than 14.00 will not be accepted. It is not possible to turn in corrected or missing material after the deadline.

? Please submit your exam in 2 copies. Every page in a copy has to be stapled or otherwise arranged in the correct order. Please number all pages. Also include...

Published Nov. 28, 2007 4:26 PM


Please note that there will be no lecture tomorrow due to unforseen developments. The lecture was meant to provide an overview and discuss the exams. For those who are interested, the lecture will be held next week, pending availability of the teaching room. I will keep you posted.

Published Nov. 22, 2007 7:46 PM

The two bachelor groups are now joined together. Thus there will be one seminar at 8 AM, and no seminar 10.

For the next seminar, please take a look at last year's exam question, which can be found onthe term page for autumn 06Click Exam Question to download.

Published Nov. 14, 2007 11:19 AM


The lecture notes can now be downloaded.

Published Nov. 13, 2007 5:59 PM


This week we have another guest lecturer, Anne Hege Simonsen. The lecture topic is "Hunting High and Low - Reporting Anti-Migrant Walls". There are no specific readings. for this lecture

Published Nov. 6, 2007 3:51 PM


The excursion to Schibsted publishing will take place at 10 AM. Schibsted is located in Apotekergata 10. If you do not know where this is you can meet me outside Nationaltheatret T-bane at 9.40. The topic of the excursion is internationalisation of ownership.



Thursday 8.11 at 10 AM we will visit NRK (Marienlyst) for a discussion on international news coverage. If you do not know the locality I will meet you outside Majorstua T-bane at 9.30.

  • John


These can be found in Sarah's red box.

Published Oct. 31, 2007 4:31 PM


I placed the wrong message concerning an execursion to Democratic Voice of Burma on Friday, 2 November. Sincere apologies. The message was meant for JOUR4330 and not Mevit3220.

Your excursion to Scanpix still stands on Friday 2 November. Please confer with John F?rseth.

Published Oct. 24, 2007 5:52 PM


The lecture notes are now properly archived. Just click on “Lecture Notes in word or powerpoint" and you will be able to access them.

Published Oct. 16, 2007 12:54 PM


LECTURE NOTES: The lecture on “Theories of the Information Society and Network Society” is now posted on the website.

ARTICLES: The last article for photocopying is now ready in the Red Box. Its “The WTO, Emerging Policy Regimes and the Political Economy of Transnational Communications” by Dwayne Winseck. Please photocopy and leave in the Box.

EXCURSION: The visit to NRK has now been confirmed. It will take place on Thursday 8 November at 10h00. Please note that the excursion is not taking place on Friday, but on Thursday. John will give you more details.

Published Oct. 10, 2007 6:17 PM

Reminder: Seminar this week (Friday 12 October): Anders Moe is discussing the spread and popularity of Japanese comics and anime in Room 207. The seminar will combine all the groups and will take place at 12h00.

Published Oct. 3, 2007 5:53 PM


Students are required to write a 2 page report on a chosen topic related to any aspect of “globalisation”. The paper should not necessary be on media. The purpose is to test your academic writing skills and your understanding of the globalisation debates. Although the paper is not graded and therefore not compulsory, it is strongly recommended that you take part. The paper should be handed in during the seminar on 12 October. If you are not attending the seminar, please hand the paper during the lecture next week, 11 October.

Published Sep. 26, 2007 6:42 PM


There will be seminars on Friday, 28 September as per the programme, BUT no lecture on 27 September.

Upcoming events for the seminars

? 12 October – Anders Moe will give a talk on the spread and popularity of Japanese anime and comics ? 2 November – Excursion to Scanpix for a discussion of technological changes ? 9 November – Excursion to Schibsted

Published Sep. 20, 2007 2:25 PM

The lecture on "Political Economy vs Cultural Studies Approaches" can now be downloaded from the website.

Published Sep. 19, 2007 10:21 PM


EXERCUSIONS: There will be no excursions on Friday 21 September as planned. John F?rseth, the seminar leader will inform you of the new dates. Seminars this Friday will go on as normal.

The guest lecture on 4 October on “Hollywood and Globalisation” has been moved to 8 November. The guest lecturer, Dag Asbj?rnsen will not be available on this day due to other pressing commitments. This means that there is no lecture on 4 October.

The topic for the guest lecture by Elizabeth Eide on 18 October has been changed to “The Caricature Controversy: A Local Media Event turning Global”. There are no specific readings from the curriculum for this lecture.

Published Sep. 4, 2007 11:49 AM


? PLEASE be reminded that the first seminar, on Friday 7 September is compulsory for all students. The time is 08h15-10h00 (First Group) and 12h15-14h00 (Second Group). ? Please be reminded of the guest lecture on Thursday this week, 6 September between 16h15 to 18h00. The guest lecturer is Tine Figenschou. ? Information related to all logistics of the course is found in first the lecture given on 23 August.

Published Aug. 27, 2007 12:15 PM


Due to family circumstances, the guest Lecturer for this week (Tine Figenschou) CANNOT take the lecture on Thursday, 30 August 2007 on “The Changing Face of Global News Media – the case of Al Jazeera International”. The lecture has been moved to next week, Thursday 6 September during the regular time 16h15 to 18h00. This means that next week we have TWO lectures, the first one on Monday 3 September with Liesbeth van Zoonen between 10h15 to 12h00 and 6 September with Tine Figenschou at 16h15. Tine apologises for the inconvenience this has caused.

Published Aug. 23, 2007 7:56 PM

Important notice regarding the lecture in Week 35 (30 August) and lecture in week 36 (3 September)

The guest lecturer teaching on 30 August has to be somewhere else by 18h00. So we have moved the lecture from 16h15-18h00 to 14h15 -16h00. Most of you do not have another lecture during this period, so are able to come. The lecture will take place in Room 207 and NOT 205.

In addition, please be reminded that the lecture in week 36 in not on Thursday, but on Monday 3 September at 10h15 to 12h00 (room 205) as per timetable. This is because the guest lecturer, visiting Professor Liesbet van Zoonen has to travel back to the Netherlands before Thursday.

Published Aug. 23, 2007 11:35 AM

First Lecture- 23 August 2007

I noticed that there is a mistake on the website regarding the first date of the lecture. On the website on “time and place” it is written 30 August, but on the timetable it is 23 August. The correct date is 23 August. There is a lecture today. Apologies for the mix up. The lecture takes place in room 205, on the second floor of the Forskingsparken building. Hope to see all of you there!

Published Aug. 20, 2007 5:17 PM

Articles now available in the “Red Box” at the IMK reception – 4th Floor

Some of the articles to be used in the MEVIT4220 and 3220 curriculum are now available for photocopying. Please DO NOT REMOVE from the box. Photocopy and return to the box afterwards. If you remove the article, other students will not have access to the literature!

Published Aug. 13, 2007 11:38 AM

13.08.2007 Sarah Chiumbu ( & John F?rseth (

Welcome to the course on media and globalisation this term! Important changes/messages will be relayed to you through the billboard on the course web site.

The lectures

Sarah Chiumbu has the main responsibility for the lectures. There are four kinds: 1) Overview (the first and the last lecture) 2) Theoretical approaches: we will discuss four theoretical approaches in total: structuration theory, information society/network society theories, global fllows of communication and time-space disjuncture 3) Guest lectures - these will present interesting case studies on different aspects of media and globalization, and; 4) Selected Approaches- these lectures will cover three different approaches/topics, viz (a) comparative perspectives between the political economy and cultural studies approaches in Europe and Africa, (b) globalization and media policy an...