13.08.2007 Sarah Chiumbu (s.h.chiumbu@media.uio.no) & …

13.08.2007 Sarah Chiumbu (s.h.chiumbu@media.uio.no) & John F?rseth (jhfarrse@webmail.uio.no)

Welcome to the course on media and globalisation this term! Important changes/messages will be relayed to you through the billboard on the course web site.

The lectures

Sarah Chiumbu has the main responsibility for the lectures. There are four kinds: 1) Overview (the first and the last lecture) 2) Theoretical approaches: we will discuss four theoretical approaches in total: structuration theory, information society/network society theories, global fllows of communication and time-space disjuncture 3) Guest lectures – these will present interesting case studies on different aspects of media and globalization, and; 4) Selected Approaches– these lectures will cover three different approaches/topics, viz (a) comparative perspectives between the political economy and cultural studies approaches in Europe and Africa, (b) globalization and media policy and (c) Hollywood and globalization.

* The first lecture is compulsory for ALL students. Please see the Timetable for Lecture details.

The seminars

John F?rseth has the main responsibility for the seminars. Three seminar groups are planned, one for the MA and two for the BA level. The MA group will meet on Friday at 14h15 to 16h00. The BA seminar groups also meet on Fridays. The first group meets between 08h15 to 10h00 and the secong group between 12h15 to 14h00. The MA seminars will to a large extent concentrate on the term paper (essay) that makes up the exam of MEVIT 4220. The BA seminars will in various ways prepare for the home exam of MEVIT 3220. See the separate documents with Seminar Details for MEVIT 3220 and MEVIT 4220 respectively.

The first seminar for both MA and BA in on Friday, 7 September and the first seminar is COMPULSORY. There will be a register of attendance.

Published Aug. 13, 2007 11:38 AM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2007 11:58 AM