Semester page for JOUR4330 - Autumn 2007


The seminar presentations on (1) Angela Merkel and the Kazcynski brothers (2) Blogging and (3) the US Patriot Act can now be downloaded. The presentations are filed under "Seminar Timetable".

Nov. 21, 2007 3:16 PM


This Friday, is the last seminar we will have on FOX. Since two of the previous topics were not discussed last Friday, we will discuss them in addition to discussions on FOX and the independent media as follows. All of you are required to read pages 41-74 of the compendium. Group will discuss China, Group 2 will discuss Burma and group three will discuss the above text with examples from Europe/Africa.

FOX and independent media in Asia Group 1: The Great Firewall of China Marianne Judith Gisela Jeong

Group 2: The Burma Protests Alex Sabina Gabrielle

Group 3: Please read and discuss the text: Freedom of Speech in the Media (in the compedium p41-74). You may provide examples in Europe and or Africa) Jade Hedda Julia

We still try to keep the presentations at 20 minutes and class discussions for 5 minutes. I will cross-check with the room and projector. Kind regards Carol

Nov. 21, 2007 3:14 PM

FOX Seminar 16 November

Dear all Freedom Of Expression students, This Friday, 16 November, our discussions will be on the New Media and Freedom of Expression (Discussing the opportunities, challenges and threats to FOX). We will have three case studies, which will be discussed as follows:

Group 1: Blogging Sabina Alex Gisela Judith

Group 2: The Great Firewall of China Gabriele Jade Jeong

Group 3: The Burma Protests Marianne Julia Gabrielle Camilla

If I have not included your name, please link up with a group of your interest. As the last time, we will have 20 minute presentation and about 5 minutes for group discussions. Powerpoint presentations are welcome. You can also find the class notes online now. Warm regards and looking forward to Friday. Carol

Below are the address of the whole class.

Barbera Simona: Berti Gabriele: Bonazzi Fran...

Nov. 13, 2007 5:46 PM