ENG4300 – Thesis Writing for Literature in English

Schedule, syllabus and examination date

Course content

This course prepares you for writing a master’s thesis by learning and developing key research methods and approaches to academic argument within literary studies. The course introduces topics such as understanding the genre expectations of an MA thesis in literature, determining the criteria for primary text selection, finding and evaluating secondary sources, developing a problem statement, understanding research and writing ethics, determining a thesis topic and argument, and writing a final thesis proposal.

Learning outcome

After completing this course, you will:

  • have knowledge of key methods and practices involved in the writing of your M.A. thesis,
  • understand the genre expectations of an M.A. thesis in literature and the conventions of academic argument within literary studies,
  • understand best practices and ethical imperatives related to working with sources and developing your own scholarship,
  • know how to write a proposal for your M.A. thesis.

Admission to the course

This course is only open for students who are admitted to the program European Languages, study option English Literature and Lektorprogrammet, masterspesialisering i engelsk.

Overlapping courses


Seminars, 2 hours per week for 10 weeks. 20 hours total.

Obligatory activities:

  • Drafts of all assignments in the portfolio must be submitted by dates specified during the semester. Requirements and details to be distributed by the instructor.?Read more here about rules concerning valid excuses and how to apply for postponements.
  • It is obligatory to show up for a minimum of 60% of the teaching. In this course you must attend a minimum of 6 out of 10 seminars. The requirement is absolute. Attendance at 10 out of 10 seminars is strongly encouraged.

The allowed absence limit will cover all absences, including illness. You will not be granted valid absences with documentation, even when the absence is due to something beyond your control.

If the course has in-person teaching, and you are signed up for an in-person seminar group, you are to attend the teaching in the location found in the schedule.

If the course has digital teaching, and you are signed up for a digital seminar group, you must attend via Zoom with your camera on.

In certain circumstances, such as disabilities and serious or chronic illness, you can apply for?special needs accommodations.

These obligatory activities must be approved for you to qualify to submit the final portfolio. Fulfilled course requirements are only valid the semester you attend the course.

Fulfilled course requirements are only valid the semester you attend the course.


The form of assessment is a portfolio consisting of several written works. All of the individual assignments have to be approved in order to pass the exam.

Language of examination

The examination text is given in English, and you submit your response in English.

Grading scale

Grades are awarded on a pass/fail scale. Read more about?the grading system.

Resit an examination

A porfolio or equivalent that is passed may not be resubmitted in revised form.

If you?withdraw from the exam?after the deadline, this will be counted as an examination attempt.

Since this exam is a portfolio, you must follow the classes and write new papers in order to qualify.

More about examinations at UiO

You will find further guides and resources at the web page on examinations at UiO.

Last updated from FS (Common Student System) Feb. 23, 2025 7:39:47 PM

Facts about this course

Teaching language