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Common guidelines relating to compulsory activities

Adopted by the Dean in July 2007. Revised June 2011, September 2020, February 2021 and February 2023.

At the Faculty of Humanities it is up to the department running the course in question to decide whether or not a course should have compulsory activities.

The following compulsory activities may apply to courses at the Faculty:

  • Assignments
  • Attendance
  • Tests (e.g. written/audio tests, etc.)
  • Oral presentations
  • Oppositions
  • Practical work
  • Group work
  • Guidance

Compulsory activities should be educationally justified. Ongoing activities that are included in the basis for setting grades are not comprised by these guidelines.

1) The exact requirements for compulsory activities are specified in the course description and/or term pages by no later than the beginning of term.

2) If compulsory activities have not been undertaken and/or approved, students may not sit the examination. Their examination registration will be withdrawn by the study administration.

3) In the event of valid failure to comply with compulsory activities the following shall apply:

a) All dates for attendance/participation/handing in are absolute. Only documented valid non-attendance constitutes grounds for deferment for handing in material or dispensation from compulsory attendance/participation. The same rules that apply to the examination shall also apply to valid non-attendance. Some departments have their own rules stipulating that students are entitled to submit self-certification of sick leave.

b) In the event of valid non-attendance/ non-participation, the department's administration office must be contacted during normal opening hours by no later than the relevant day of attendance/participation. For handing in of material it applies that you must contact the department prior to the deadline. In order to obtain deferment, students should submit the form notification of absence

c) In the event of chronic illnesses or other documented reasons for absence, students can have their tuition adjusted, e.g. other compulsory activities, exemption from attendance or deferment of compulsory activities.

4) A compulsory activity may be assessed as not approved

a) on formal grounds if it does not meet certain formal requirements. For written assignments such requirements may concern: Minimum number of pages, bibliography and references to the bibliography in the text, a specific layout, chapter divisions, whether you have attempted to answer the whole test or all questions, whether you have attempted to translate all sentences and the like.

b) for academic reasons, if the teacher considers that the activity does not meet minimum academic requirements.

An activity may have both formal and academic requirements. In such cases the activity will be assessed academically only when the formal requirements are met.
If the compulsory activity is not approved on formal grounds, students will not be allowed to make an extra attempt to pass the activity. If the compulsory activity is not approved due to its academic content, students will get feedback in writing about why the given activity was not approved. They will then be allowed to make an extra attempt to pass in the same semester unless other rules are specified in the course description. You can only appeal against a non-approval of a compulsory activity for academic reasons after an assignment has been submitted twice.

5) Unless otherwise specified in the course description, the following shall apply: approved compulsory activities are valid for the next two terms that a course runs. Exemptions may occur if the course's assessment form is changed, if the tuition arrangements are changed or if any other significant changes are made.

6) In the event of suspected cheating in respect of compulsory activities, the same rules that apply to the examination shall apply, cf. Guidelines for dealing with cheating/attempted cheating during examinations. Students will receive information in the form of a letter from the Faculty and can decide if they want to account for the matter either in writing or verbally. Such cases may be referred to the Central Appeals Committee as cases relating to suspected cheating/attempted cheating.

The Faculty would also like to remind you about the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at the University of Oslo


Contact the faculty's information centre.