Emner innen europeiske spr?k, litteratur, europa- og amerikastudier

Viser 1–92 av 92 emner
Emne Studiepoeng
ENG4000 – Thesis Writing for English Literature, American and British Studies (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4015 – Studentaktive l?ringsformer og vurdering i engelsk-undervisningen (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4102 – Phraseology in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4103 – Historical English Syntax (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4106 – Contrastive analysis: Syntax, lexis, discourse (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4111 – Corpora in English Language Research (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4112 – Methods in English Language Research (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4116 – Second Language Acquisition (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4117 – Analysing advanced learner English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4118 – Pragmatics: Meaning, Communication and Cognition in English Language (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4152 – Varieties of English Texts (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4156 – History of the English Language (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4157 – Semantics and Pragmatics (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4163 – World Englishes (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4165 – Old English: Language and History (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4166 – Middle English, introduction (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4167 – Linguistics and literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4169 – English legal language: Interpretation and meaning (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4191 – Master's Thesis in English Language and Linguistics (60 studiepoeng) 60
ENG4192 – Masteroppgave i oversettelsesstudier, engelsk (60 studiepoeng) 60
ENG4301 – Literary Theory in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4340 – Nineteenth-Century American Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4341 – English Renaissance Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4343 – British Literature in the Age of the Enlightenment (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4344 – The Romantic Period (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4345 – The Victorian Period (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4361 – Colonial and Postcolonial Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4363 – Women Writing: Feminist Fiction in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4364 – Homotextuality: Queer Literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4365 – The Short Story in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4366 – Fiction and Film (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4367 – Shakespeare (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4373 – Multicultural Literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4390 – Master's Thesis in Literature in English (60 studiepoeng) 60
ENG4394 – Master's Thesis in Literature in English (30 studiepoeng) 30
ENG4412 – Travel Literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4414 – The Auto-Graphic Novel (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4416 – Time and Money in the American Novel (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4418 – The Gay Novel in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4419 – Children's Literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4422 – Racial Violence and American Identity (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4427 – Poetry in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4428 – Encountering the Supernatural in English Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4429 – Life Writing in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4430 – Environmental Literature in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4430EHS – Environmental Literature in English (Oslo School of Environmental Humanities) (5 studiepoeng) 5
ENG4436 – English Literature and Human Rights (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4438 – Contemporary U.S. Illness Narratives and Biopolitics (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4439 – Speculative Fictions in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4440 – Virtual Realities in English (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4455 – Reading Milton's Paradise Lost (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4474 – The Nature of the Beast in American Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4490 – Masteroppgave i litter?r oversettelse fra engelsk til norsk (30 studiepoeng) 30
ENG4500 – British and American Political Literature in the Eighteenth Century (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4506 – Reading Course in British Studies (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4507 – American Environmental History (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4508 – A Social History of the Media in Twentieth Century Britain (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4516 – Northern Ireland: History, Memory and Literature (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4517 – The British Constitution (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4518 – Scottish Politics (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4532 – The Green American Tradition (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4534 – American Politics (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4540 – Liberal Globalism and the American Future (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4541 – Cities and American Life (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4542 – Research Seminar in American Social History (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4543 – History and Culture of Anglo-American Rock Music (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4544 – Remembering the Past: Memory and History in the United States (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4545 – The American West (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4546 – Educating Americans – The History of Education in the USA (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4550 – Theory and Method in American and British Studies (10 studiepoeng) 10
ENG4590 – Master's Thesis in American studies (60 studiepoeng) 60
ENG4591 – Master's Thesis in American studies (30 studiepoeng) 30
ENG4592 – Master's Thesis in British studies (60 studiepoeng) 60
ENG4593 – Master's Thesis in British studies (30 studiepoeng) 30
ENG4790 – Master's Thesis in English, Secondary Teacher Training (30 studiepoeng) 30
EST4391 – Tverrestetisk masteroppgave - Engelskspr?klig litteratur (60 studiepoeng) 60
EUS4010 – Borders, bodies and memories: Textual and cultural representation of contemporary migration in Europe (10 studiepoeng) 10
EUS4011 – Digital Humanities: How to Read a Million Books? (10 studiepoeng) 10
EUS4012 – Discourse analysis: Language, Identity and Power (10 studiepoeng) 10
EUS4310 – Cognitive Poetics (10 studiepoeng) 10
EUS4900 – Internasjonalt prosjektsemester europeiske spr?k (30 studiepoeng) 30
LIT4300A – Litteraturteoretisk studium I (10 studiepoeng) 10
LIT4300B – Litteraturteoretisk studium I (20 studiepoeng) 20
LIT4360A – Litter?rt tekststudium II (10 studiepoeng) 10
LIT4360B – Litter?rt tekststudium II (20 studiepoeng) 20
LIT4390 – Masteroppgave i allmenn litteraturvitenskap (60 studiepoeng) 60
LIT4490 – Masteroppgave i litteraturformidling (30 studiepoeng) 30
RUS4090 – Masteroppgave i russisk spr?k (60 studiepoeng) 60
RUS4390 – Masteroppgave i russisk litteratur (60 studiepoeng) 60
RUS4590 – Masteroppgave i Russland-studier (60 studiepoeng) 60
SLAV4301 – Slavisk litteratur: Temastudium (10 studiepoeng) 10
SPR4104 – Introduction to statistic methods in language and literature (10 studiepoeng) 10